Thursday, May 5, 2016 (Halifax, NS) – Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (HRFE) is advising residents in the Caledonia Road area of Dartmouth that from time to time over the next six weeks they may see smoke coming from what appears to be a burning building.
While it will look like an active fire in an abandoned building, it is in fact on-going training for our firefighters. Activities are taking place at 30 Caledonia Road, on municipally owned land.
The training involves the use of a digital attack simulator in a house, and residents may see some artificial smoke. This simulator replicates the conditions firefighters encounter when searching in buildings and attacking room fires.
The simulator provides a digital representation of flames that respond to the water applied from firefighter hoses. A connected smoke machine produces non-toxic smoke that changes in volume based on actions firefighters take. The simulator also produces sound effects that replicate common noises firefighters encounter when attacking a fire.
There is no actual fire so there is no risk of burn injuries or the spread of fire to other buildings.
Residents will see fire trucks and crews in the area during this training, and there will be two-way radio chatter that could be picked up on scanners.
HRFE will have ‘Fire Department Training in Progress’ signs visible while training is underway.
Residents are reminded to immediately call 911 if they see an actual fire or emergency.