Friday, July 22, 2016 (Halifax, NS) – The Halifax Regional Municipality is inviting residents to attend an information session on Monday, July 25, to explore how the 2009 Bloomfield Master Plan will inform the Centre Plan.
When: Monday, July 25, 6-9 p.m.
Where: Halifax Forum, Multi-purpose Room, 2901 Windsor St., Halifax
Earlier this year, Regional Council directed staff to hold off on the sale of the former Bloomfield School property, located in the north end of Halifax, pending the conclusion of the Centre Plan project. The Planning and Development team will use the important work already undertaken during the creation of the Bloomfield Master Plan to consider updates to policy and land use regulations in the neighbourhood.
The Centre Plan project is a comprehensive land use planning process that will result in updates to the guiding municipal planning strategy and regulations for the Regional Centre, which includes the Halifax Peninsula and the area of Dartmouth inside the circumferential highway.
For more information on the Centre Plan project, visit