Friday, Aug. 26, 2016 (Halifax, NS) – Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (HRFE) is urging residents to familiarize themselves with the domestic burning rules before tossing a log on the fire.
Burning bans are common this time of year. Before burning, residents must check both provincial and municipal websites – updated at 2 p.m. daily – to ensure no restrictions or bans are in effect.
Open air wood burning – including campfires – is not allowed in the municipality between March 15 and October 15 on properties that receive both municipal water and sewer services (most urban/suburban lots).
However, burning is allowed during this time period if a property is not serviced with both sewer and water (most rural properties).
For those living in a part of the municipality that allows burning from March 15 to October 15 there are specific rules that have to be followed. Those rules can be found at
The use of manufactured outdoor wood burning appliances (chimeneas, etc.) is allowed everywhere in the municipality with certain restrictions. The appliance must burn dry seasoned wood, cannot sit on a wood deck or combustible surface, must have a protective screen, and must be a minimum of 4.75-metres (15-feet) from a home or accessory building.
All fires in the municipality must be extinguished by midnight.
Propane or natural gas CSA or ULC approved appliances are not subject to burning bans or time-of-day restrictions.
Any person guilty of an offence under Halifax Regional Municipality's By-Law Number O-109 Respecting Open Air Burning may be ticketed a minimum of $410 for each infraction.
In addition to any fine, a court or judge may order the offender to pay all expenses, costs, and/or damages related to extinguishing the fire.
Residents are asked to call 9-1-1 if they see an illegal burn in progress.