Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2015 (Halifax, NS) – The Halifax Regional Municipality is pleased to have initiated the next phase of the Centre Plan public consultation process, one of the most exciting and impactful municipal planning processes to be undertaken since the HRMbyDesign Downtown Plan approved in 2009.
The Centre Plan is phase three of HRMbyDesign, following the establishment of the overall Regional Centre vision and principles in phase one and the creation of the Downtown Halifax Plan in phase two. Taken as a whole, the three phases present a vision of a dense, livable and prosperous Regional Centre (Dartmouth and Halifax urban core) that will create sustained social, economic and environmental benefits across the entire municipality.
The objective of the Centre Plan is to consolidate existing municipal planning strategies and land use by-laws for the Regional Centre into one combined policy and by-law set. Many of these documents are out of date, and do not reflect existing or forecasted social, environmental and economic conditions. New policies will protect the scale and character of existing neighbourhoods while removing existing barriers to well-designed and appropriately scaled development.
Residents are invited to engage in this phase of the Centre Plan public consultation process by visiting Through the online portal, residents can review project background and research material, and provide feedback through questions and answers and comments in the discussion forums section of the site.
More details on the broader public consultation program will be available in the coming weeks, with the first events anticipated in early 2016. Stay tuned to for the most up-to-date project information.
We look forward to listening to residents’ ideas and feedback throughout this project as we shape new, clear and predictable policies that will allow us to collectively build better communities.