Monday, Dec. 5, 2016 (Halifax, NS) - The municipality’s Planning and Development team is inviting residents to attend an open house this week to learn about 19 development proposals requesting new planning policy within the Regional Centre boundary.
As part of the research and analysis of these applications, and in consideration of the current status of the Centre Plan process, planning staff are seeking early public feedback on these 19 development proposals.
When: Wednesday, Dec. 7, 12-2 p.m. & 6-8 p.m.
Where: Atlantica Hotel - Guild Hall, 1980 Robie Street, Halifax
Residents are invited to drop-in at any time during the afternoon and evening open house sessions to learn about each application, related Centre Plan policy direction, and to provide feedback.
For those residents unable to attend the event in person, all open house display materials and additional information on individual applications will be posted to the website by Thursday, Dec. 8. There will also be an online comment form available for submitting feedback on individual proposals or the broader group of proposals.
All of the comments and feedback received during the open house and through the online form will be used to inform a report to Regional Council in early 2017 that will recommend a future engagement program and process moving forward. The comments received will also be provided to the Centre Plan team and the Community Design Advisory Committee (CDAC), and will be considered as they move through the next stages of refining the Centre Plan policy framework.
For more information on individual applications, including location and proposed land use, please visit