Land Use By-laws

Plan areas in the Halifax Regional Municipality

In each of the plan areas is the Land Use By-law (LUB):

  • Beaver Bank, Hammonds Plains and Upper Sackville 
  • Bedford
  • Planning District 5 (Chebucto Peninsula) includes Bald Rock, Bear Cove, Duncan Cove, East Pennant, Fergusons Cove, Halibut Bay, Harrietsfield, Herring Cove, Ketch Harbour, Portugese Cove, Sambro, Sambro Creek, Sambro Head, Sandy Cove, West Pennant, Williamswood
  • Cole Harbour/Westphal includes Cole Harbour, Westphal, Waverley
  • Dartmouth
  • Eastern Passage/Cow Bay includes Cow Bay, Devils Island, Eastern Passage, McNabs Island, Shearwater
  • Eastern Shore (East) includes Barkhouse Settlement, Beaver Dam, Beaver Harbour, East Quoddy, East Ship Harbour, Ecum Secum, Ecum Secum Bridge, Ecum Secum West, Harrigan Cove, Liscombe Sanctuary, Lochaber Mines, Malay Falls, Marinette, Mitchell Bay, Moosehead, Mooseland, Moser River, Murphys Cove, Mushaboom, Necum Teuch, Pace Settlement, Pleasant Harbour, Popes Harbour, Port Dufferin, Sheet Harbour, Sheet Harbour Passage, Sober Island, Spry Bay, Spry Harbour, Tangier, Watt Section, West Quoddy
  • Eastern Shore (West) includes Clam Bay, Clam Harbour, Debaies Cove, East Jeddore, East Petpeswick, English Point, Hartlin Settlement, Head Of Jeddore, Lake Charlotte, Little Harbour, Lower Ship Harbour, Musquodoboit Harbour, Myers Point, Ostrea Lake, Owls Head, Oyster Pond, Pleasant Point, Salmon River Bridge, Ship Harbour, Smiths Settlement, Southwest Cove, Upper Lakeville, West Jeddore, West Petpeswick
  • Halifax
  • Downtown Halifax
  • Planning Districts 8 & 9 (Lake Echo/Porters Lake) includes Chezzetcook, Conrod Settlement, East Chezzetcook, Gaetz Brook, Grand Desert, Head Of Chezzetcook, Lake Echo, Mineville, Porters Lake, Seaforth, Three Fathom Harbour, West Chezzetcook, West Porters Lake
  • Lawrencetown includes East Lawrencetown, Minesville, Upper Lawrencetown, West Lawrencetown
  • Musquodoboit Valley/Dutch Settlement includes Antrim, Beaver Dam, Brookvale, Caribou Mines, Carroll's Corner, Chaplin, Chaswood, College Lake, Cooks Brook, Dean, Dutch Settlement, East Loon Lake, Elderbank, Elmsvale, Elmsdale, Glenmore, Governor Lake, Greenwood, Higginsville, Lake Egmont, Lindsay Lake, Long Lake, Loon Lake, Meaghers Grant, Middle Musquodoboit, Milford, Mill Lake, Moose River Gold Mines, Murchyville, Pleasant Valley, South Section, Ten Mile Lake, Upper Musquodoboit, Wyse's Corner
  • North Preston, Lake Major, Lake Loon, Cherry Brook and East Preston includes Cole Harbour, East Preston, North Preston, Westphal
  • Planning District 4 (Prospect) includes Bayside, Blind Bay, East Dover, Goodwood, Hatchet Lake, Lower Prospect, Mcgraths Cove, Middle Village, Prospect, Prospect Bay, Sandy Cove, Shad Bay, Terence Bay, Terence Bay River, West Dover, Whites Lake
  • Regional Centre Plan Area
  • Sackville
  • Sackville Drive
  • Suburban Housing Accelerator Plan Area
  • Planning Districts 14 & 17 (Shubenacadie Lakes) includes Enfield, Fall River, Goffs, Grand Lake, Lake Fletcher, Lakeview, Oakfield, Oldham, Waverley, Wellington, Windsor Junction
  • Planning Districts 1 & 3 (St. Margaret's Bay) includes Black Point, Boutiliers Point, French Village, Glen Haven, Glen Margaret, Hacketts Cove, Head Of St. Margarets Bay, Hubbards, Hubley, Indian Harbour, Ingramport, Lewis Lake, Peggy's Cove, Queensland, Seabright, Simms Settlement, Tantallon, Upper Tantallon
  • Timberlea/Lakeside/Beechville includes Beechville, Lakeside, Timberlea, Otter Lake