Bayne Street - Water Main Repair Update




Halifax Water crews remain on-site repairing a water main on Bayne Street near the Fairview Cove Container Terminal.

Customers on Bayne Street, MacIntosh Street and Forrester Street will be out of water service during the repair.

It is estimated water service will be restored approximately 9pm this evening. 

The extreme cold weather is making repair work slower and more difficult for crews and equipment.

This work is taking place mainly off street, though some traffic delays may occur on Bayne Street near the Fairview Cove Container Terminal as repair equipment and crews enter and exit the work zone. Pedestrian access will be maintained.  

Experienced traffic control personnel will be on-site to ensure smooth traffic flow around the work zone. On-site personnel will also maintain communication with local residents and businesses to help minimize disruption. Motorists are asked to use alternate routes and expect delays. Motorists are also reminded that speed fines double in work zones. 

Some customers in the Fairview, Armdale, Northend and Westend Halifax areas are experiencing discoloured water as a result of this water main break. It is anticipated the discoloured water will continue until the water main is repaired.   

Halifax Water recommends that customers experiencing discoloured water avoid using the water for direct consumption purposes until the water is clear. The water remains safe for showering, bathing, cleaning and flushing toilets.  

We apologize for any inconvenience this necessary infrastructure improvement work may cause.

For more information on Halifax Water please check, visit us on YouTube, or Twitter @HalifaxWater, Facebook or call our Customer Care Centre at 902-420-9287.