Located in the Captain Spry Community Centre at 16 Sussex St., Halifax
Drop-In Hours:
Monday & Wednesday from 3:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Free! Open to all youth 13-18
Need a place to hang out?
The Youth Centre offers a wide range of activities and supplies such as video games, board games, TV, art supplies, WIFI, free snacks, and comfy chairs. The space is located in a secure building with multiple staff on site!
There will be a Youth Counsellor and Youth Outreach Worker available each week to provide one-on-one support to youth entering the space.
Find us:
The youth space is located at Captain William Spry Centre in the Kidston Room. Please enter through the main door of the Centre, walk through the main lobby, up the steps and it is the first door on the right!
Contact us:
- Call or text: 902.225.6202
- Email: youth@halifax.ca
- Instagram: @hfxnextgen