May 6, 2021 Update:
Work began on Cumberland Drive between the limits of Cole Harbour Road and Colby Drive on April 27, 2021. Crews will be on site weekdays from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., and lane drops will be in place while work is underway.
This work includes paving the roadway and upgrading the existing sidewalk to a multi-use pathway.
Street Closure: Cumberland Drive, from Cole Harbour Road to Hampton Green
Date: Monday, May 10 at 7 a.m. to Sunday, June 6 at 7 p.m.
Time: 24 hours per day
Work details: Installation of new traffic signal bases, catch basin installations, relocation of a gas main, full depth asphalt removal and gravel replacement. This work is part of the Forest Hills Parkway Active Transportation & Street Improvement Project. [need to make needed web page updates prior to issuing PSA]
Traffic impact: This closure will be in place 24 hours per day from Monday, May 10 to Sunday, June 6. Access to residences, churches and businesses on Cumberland Drive can be accessed from Hampton Green. Marked detours and barricades will be in place while work is underway.
The east sidewalk on Cumberland Drive, from Cole Harbour Road to Hampton Green, will also be closed while work is underway. Pedestrian traffic will be directed around the work site as necessary.
Motorists should expect delays and are asked to use alternative routes whenever possible.
Construction during COVID-19: Construction crews will strive to maintain physical distancing measures, however, residents may see workers within two metres of each other while completing certain tasks which aligns with the exemptions outlined in the Provincial Health Order. If approaching construction crews, residents are asked to maintain at least two metres of physical distancing.
Please note that while the road closure will be in place until June 6, general work in the area can be expected through July.
The Halifax Regional Municipality is working on a multi-year project to plan and implement changes to a 3 km corridor in Cole Harbour on the Forest Hills Parkway and Cumberland Drive.
The goal is to provide safer and more comfortable conditions for walking and cycling, enhanced transit facilities, and improved intersections.
A functional planning process in 2017 led to a recommendation to create a multi-use pathway on the east side of Forest Hills Parkway, from Main Street to Cole Harbour Road. Other components of the project include:
- New traffic signals at the intersection of Flying Cloud Drive and Chameau Crescent.
- Consideration of transit improvements, including the addition of segments of transit-only queue jump lanes and improved bus stop waiting areas.
- Enhancements to the intersection of Cole Harbour Road, Cumberland Drive, and Forest Hills Parkway to make it safer and more comfortable for pedestrians and cyclists to cross.
- The replacement of the existing sidewalk on Cumberland Drive to a multi-use pathway to connect with the upgraded active transportation facilities on Forest Hills Parkway.
Please see the map below which highlights where work is taking place. Project updates will be shared to this page and on social media channels.