Service updates

Clearing operations

When a weather event is declared, regular updates on clearing operations, including salting, sanding and overnight snow removal, will be shared here.
Date & Time of Update:
Date & Time of Update:
Service update:
Weather Event END TIME: Thursday, Feb. 28 - 6:30 p.m.

Overnight winter parking ban

The municipal overnight winter parking ban is in effect annually from Dec. 15 to March 31. The ban is enforced from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. during declared weather events and snow removal operations only.
Status: The overnight winter parking ban WILL NOT BE ENFORCED in Zone 1 - Central and Zone 2 - Non-Central.
Status: The overnight winter parking ban WILL NOT BE ENFORCED in Zone 1 - Central and Zone 2 - Non-Central.
Notifications: CLICK HERE to register for Overnight Winter Parking Ban notifications

Impact to municipal services

If weather leads to cancellations, closures or delays that affect municipal facilities and services, regular updates will be shared here.
Date & Time of Update: N/A
Date & Time of Update: N/A
Halifax Transit

For the latest updates on Halifax Transit service, follow @hfxtransit on X and visit our website.

Parks & Recreation

For the most up-to-date information, follow @hfxrec on X or call your local recreation centre.

Solid Waste

For the most up-to-date information, visit our website or download the Halifax Recycles app

311 Customer Service Centres

To get in touch with 311, please visit our website. 

Support for those experiencing homelessness

The Province of Nova Scotia funds the operation of emergency shelters in the municipality, which are run by various service providers:

  • Halifax | 2029 North Park Street
  • Dartmouth | 197-199 Windmill Road
  • Lower Sackville (Beacon House Shelter) | 125 Metropolitan Avenue
  • Multi-Purpose Centre of the Halifax Forum | 6210 Young Street
  • St. Patrick’s Church | 2262 Brunswick Street
Halifax Public Libraries

For the latest information on the status of all Halifax Public Library locations and services, please visit their website.

When will clearing be complete?

See what time clearing should be completed based on priority level.
Priority level When clearing should be completed
Priority level When clearing should be completed
CLICK HERE to find your street priority level
Street Priority 1 and local bikeways Friday, Feb. 28 - 6:30 a.m. | 12 hours from end of declared weather event
Street Priority 2 and local bikeways Friday, Feb. 28 - 6:30 p.m. | 24 hours from end of declared weather event
Sidewalk & Protected Bike Lane Priority 1 Friday, Feb. 28 - 6:30 a.m. | 12 hours from end of declared weather event
Sidewalk & Protected Bike Lane Priority 2 Friday, Feb. 28 - 12:30 p.m. | 18 hours from end of declared weather event
Sidewalk & Protected Bike Lane Priority 3 Saturday, March 1 - 12:30 a.m. | 36 hours from end of declared weather event
Bus Stops & Intersections Friday, Feb. 28 - 6:30 p.m. | 24 hours from end of declared weather event

Updates will be shared at the following times:

These updates are posted only during declared weather events. Supplemental updates may be posted outside of the scheduled times as required.
Event Type and Accumulation Update Times
Event Type and Accumulation Update Times
Minor (0-5 cm) & Average (5-15 cm) 7 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Major (15+ cm) 7 a.m., 1 p.m., 4 p.m. and 7 p.m.

Parking ban zones

The municipality has two zones for the overnight parking ban: Zone 1 – Central and Zone 2 – Non-Central

Zone 1 – Central is the Halifax Peninsula and downtown Dartmouth within Highway 111 (the Circumferential Highway) and some surrounding areas.
Zone 2 – Non-Central is a designated area outside of Zone 1 – Central

You can find your zone by searching your address using our interactive map here .

Who do I contact about snow clearing?

Before contacting us about snow clearing, please ensure the service timelines for your area have expired. You can find detailed information about snow clearing service timelines on the interactive map above or in the "when should clearing be complete?" section above.

If your street is cleared by the municipality, you can email us or call 311.

If your street is cleared by the province, you can contact Nova Scotia Public Works (NSPW) or call 511.

Not sure if your street is cleared by the municipality or province? Search your address on our interactive map.

If you see a vehicle impacting snow clearing during regular business hours, please call 311. If you see a vehicle ignoring the overnight winter parking ban, please only call the after-hours line if it is an emergency (example: a vehicle is blocking a driveway or sidewalk).

Please note: In snowfalls greater than 30 centimeters or in blizzard conditions, more time may be needed to complete clearing. The same exception may apply when there are rapidly changing weather conditions. Crews will continue working until all streets and sidewalks are clear and safe.