Getting around

How we choose to get from one place to another is one of the biggest ways that individuals can act on climate change. It can also have a positive effect on our health and our finances.

Check out the list of challenges below. You’ll find opportunities to get active, save money, connect with others and do your part for climate action.

Aerial photo of Halifax with the Public Gardens in view.

An aerial photo of downtown Halifax.

Getting Around banner

Active transportation as a climate solution

Learn more about the NS Walks program.

Discover programs to get you out and walking

Walking more and driving less is good for the environment and great for your physical, social and mental well-being. Join or start a walking group through Hike Nova Scotia’s NS Walks program, borrow Nordic Walking Poles from the Halifax Public Library or take a trek on one of the municipality's many hiking trails

A hand on a bike's handlebar.

Learn to cycle safely

Cycling is good for you, it cuts down on city traffic and helps reduce harmful emissions. Cycling safely is the key, though. Check out the Making Tracks Bike Safety video series or the Safe Cycling 101 course online to learn everything you need to know about bike safety in the municipality. 

Bike Again logo

Learn about bike repair, connection and community

Keep your bike on the road by learning how to repair it. Visit Bike Again to learn, repair your bike, volunteer and connect. Look for the Ecology Action Centre’s Pop-up Bike Hub in your community. Or head over to the Dalhousie & King's University Bike Centre

Two cyclists.

Get involved in Bike Buddy or Welcoming Wheels

The Ecology Action Centre’s Bike Buddy and Welcoming Wheels  programs help newcomers feel more confident riding, exploring the city, and meeting new people.  You can get involved as a newcomer or as a volunteer! 


Public and shared transportation 

HFX GO logo

Take a sustainable transportation challenge

If you drive often, challenge yourself to carpool, bike, bus or ferry instead. Get involved with a Commuter Challenge, a great way to find community support while changing your transportation habits. Get the Halifax Go app to easily buy transit tickets and passes.

The Viola Desmond ferry docking at the terminal.

Hitch a ride or find an active transportation buddy

Get a free Smart Ride account through Halifax Transit and find someone to travel with. Save money, meet new people and help reduce the number of cars on the road. 

Interior of a bus with passengers

Help make public transit safe and pleasant for everyone 

Learn more about Halifax Transit’s Passenger Courtesy Code. Encourage others to use public transit by being kind and considerate when traveling together. 

A woman installing her bike on the front rack of Halifax bus.

Find out how to take your bike on public transit

Getting around is easier when you can combine cycling with public transportation. Watch this video to find out how to put your bike on the bus or visit Bike Again at 5664 Charles Street in Halifax or the Lacewood Terminal to practice.

Learn about the Zero Emission Bus Project

The municipality's Zero Emission Bus Project is the first of its kind in Atlantic Canada. To find out what passengers can expect and get updates on our progress, head over to Halifax Transit's helpful walkthrough.

Encourage your school to ditch diesel buses

Switching to electric buses not only helps the environment, it creates safer conditions for children. Find out how the Ecology Action Centre is advocating for this change and learn how you can help. 


Personal vehicles and the electric future

Illustration of an EV, trees and a building.

Get the facts about electric vehicles 

Check out an Electric Vehicle Q&A developed by HalifACT and Next Ride to get answers on all of your EV-related questions. How do electric vehicles work? Are charging stations available in your area? Are EVs environmentally friendly?  

EV assist logo

Find out about rebates for electric cars and bicycles

Looking to purchase a Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV), Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle (PHEV) or electric bicycle? Visit EV Assist to see if you could qualify for rebates through Electrify Nova Scotia Provincial Rebate Program and iZEV Program from the Government of Canada.

Test drive an electric car or bike with Next Ride

The Next Ride team tours Nova Scotia/Mi’kma’ki to help residents experience and learn about electric vehicles. Visit Next Ride’s web page to find the nearest Test Drive or book a presentation for a community group or workplace.

Efficiency Nova Scotia logo

Advocate for EV chargers in apartment buildings

Efficiency Nova Scotia provides rebates for electric vehicle (EV) chargers to owners of multi-unit residential buildings. Find out more about the rebates and encourage your landlord to install EV chargers in your building.  

Photo of a speedometer.

Learn how to save fuel and cut emissions

Do you want to minimize your car’s emissions and save on gas? How you drive and maintain your car can affect its fuel efficiency. Learn more about eco-driving techniques in this short online course, or read these tips and tricks from Environment Canada. 


Spread the word and keep learning

Banner with logos for HalifACT, Ecology Action Centre and Halifax