Community / Non-Profit Resources and Grants

The following list contains links to various resources primarily in the form of grants available mainly to non-profit and charities located within Halifax Regional Municipality. If any of the links are not functioning properly you may e-mail to report the problem.

Resources for Non-Profits and Charities

Resources for Residents 

  • Solar City: The program offers financing to property owners in HRM who wish to install a solar energy system at their eligible property (residential, not for profit organizations, places of worship, cooperatives, and charities)
  • Heritage Incentives Program: Provides cost-shared grants to help private property owners undertake exterior conservation and maintenance work on their registered heritage properties. Non-profits and charities that own registered heritage properties should apply to the Community Grants Program Community Histories funding category.
  • About the Affordable Access Program
    The Affordable Access Program allows qualified residents to apply for municipal subsidized programs. This new intake process will allow you to apply once and have that application considered for multiple programs – Affordable Access Transit Pass, Recreation Access, Property Tax Exemption and Deferral Program. Learn who is eligible, how to apply, and when applications are due.