Registered charities and non-profit organizations may be eligible to receive up to 60 free Halifax Transit tickets or electronic fares per each calendar year, or to purchase Halifax Transit tickets at a discount.
Tickets are available for purchase in 10-ticket increments (single tickets are not available for purchase under this Program) with a minimum purchase of 50 tickets.
These tickets are intended to be distributed free-of-charge to an organization’s volunteers or clients.
Click here to download the Non-Profit and Charitable Organization Transit Fares Agreement.
Please complete the form below to submit your organization's application for donation requests or to purchase discounted transit tickets.
PLEASE NOTE: A Halifax Transit fares increase will come into effect on September 1, 2024. Beginning September 1, 2024, discounted tickets for non-profit organizations and registered charities will cost:
- $13.50 for each sheet of 10 Adult tickets
- $10.13 for each sheet of 10 Senior/Youth tickets
For more information about Halifax Transit's fare increase, please visit our Fares, Tickets, & Passes page.
Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)