How to Use the Customer Portal, also known as Online Permitting, Planning, Licensing & Compliance (PPLC) System
On this page you will find resources to help get your business license started. These "how to" user guides will help you use the new Permitting, Planning Licensing and Compliance (PPLC) system more accurately and efficiently.
Register for an Account, Log-in & Apply for a License
Are you having issues logging into your account? View these troubleshooting tips!
For the best experience using our system ensure you have these system requirements.
Getting Started
Below are a few helpful tips and guides to get you started in our new licensing system.
- Introduction
The new online Permitting, Planning, Licensing and Compliance (PPLC) system is part of a multi-year initiative within the Municipal Planning and Development business Unit to move to digital. With this move comes many changes to how license applications are submitted, how the licensing process works and how customers and staff interact.
Registering for a Customer Portal Account - The first thing you will need is a Customer Portal Account. Registration is easy and a How to User Guide (PDF) has been created to support you through the steps. Depending upon how you do business you may wish to add your business via the Customer Portal.
Navigating the Customer Portal Dashboard - The customer portal dashboard is the landing page and home page of the portal. Here you will find a wealth of information. It will be helpful to become familiar with the different sections of the page as these are referenced in many of the How-To guides. View the How to Navigate the Customer Portal/Dashboard (PDF).
- Things to know
Document Standards
Application Documents must meet our standards, or they will be returned to the customer to correct before the application can proceed. All information in the supporting documents must match the information in the application.
1. Documents must be legible:
a. Text font must be clear, using a standard font type, black ink, and be reasonable font size.
b. Text, especially measurements, should not be overlapping.
c. If documents are photocopied, there cannot be ink blots impacting our ability to read text.
2. Documents must be provided by relevant document type:
a. One package containing all documents will not be accepted.
b. Each document must contain the required information for that document type
3. Plans must contain the correct address or PID# matching the application information (lot# is not sufficient). Site plans and construction plans need to be in metric ( square meters, centimeters, etc.).
4. Document Files:
a. Uploads must not exceed 100MB
b. Acceptable file formats include: Word, PDF and JPEG.
c. Zipped folders are not acceptable
d. Documents cannot be encrypted, or password protected.
Documents must be uploaded to the licensing application. We cannot accept documents that are emailed or mailed. How to Upload Documents (PDF)
Document Naming ConventionEach document uploaded will need to have a document type assigned. The document type tells the system which required document the uploaded document is satisfying. If you follow the document naming convention (PDF) you can skip the manual step. The system will recognize the document file name. If you do not follow the document naming convention (PDF) you will need to manually select the document type. This is because the system does not know how to interpret the files you have uploaded and you must manually indicate the document type. If you are receiving a document type error, it is because the document type has not been properly selected.
Applying for your license
Below are a few helpful tips and "How To" guides to assist you in applying for the license you need.
- Food Vendor License
- Artisan
- Sidewalk Cafe
- Newspaper Boxes
- NS Highway Signs
- Temporary Signs
- Taxi Licenses
Broker TNC Application
Conditional Driver Application
Owner License Application
Owner Waitlist Application
Permanent Driver Application- Land Lease Communities
Application Type | Link to Application Page |
Application Type | Link to Application Page |
Food Vending | |
Artisan Vending | |
Sidewalk Cafe - Annual & Seasonal | |
Newspaper Boxes | |
Temporary Signs - Annual Business and Individual Licenses | |
Taxi - all License types | |
Land Lease Communities |