Taking a Taxi or Limousine

As a passenger of a taxi or limousine you should expect:

  • A professional operator who is courteous and knowledgeable, and who practices good hygiene.
  • Be transported by the most direct route unless you request a different route.
  • A vehicle in good mechanical and physical condition.
  • A vehicle that has a clean passenger area, trunk compartment and vehicle exterior.

Your taxi or limousine driver should expect this of you as a passenger:

  • Behave in a civil manner.
  • Refrain from smoking, drinking, or eating food inside the vehicle.
  • Clearly disclose their destination prior to departure.
  • Make prompt payment of the posted fare.

Find out more about these and other rights in the Administrative Order 39, Schedule 6.

Did you know?


  • The initial charge for a taxi or accessible taxi is $4.70.
  • Fares can be negotiated between the operator and passenger prior to departure or the passenger may request the meter be used to calculate the fare.
  • There are set rates for trips to and from the airport found in Administrative Order 39, Section 6. You can also find the cruise ship passenger fare rates here as well.
  • Fares can be paid via debit, credit, or cash. Under the by-law, taxi and limousine drivers now have six months to become equipped to accept debit or credit.


  • As per the By-Law T-1000 all taxi and limousines are required to display interior decals and a bumper sticker. This is how you know you are in a licensed taxi. For your safety make it a habit to check when entering a taxi or limousine.
  • The decals on the inside of a vehicle include the cab information as well as a QR Code that will link you to this website.
  • All taxi drivers that are licensed in the region should have a taxi driver license displayed.

How to catch a cab

  • There are four major operators: Casino Taxi, Yellow Cab, Satellite Taxi and Bob's and Blue Bell Taxi. Tired of calling for a cab? All four major operators have apps you can download.
  • Our region has many other licensed independent drivers.
  • The roof light is an indicator as to whether the vehicle is available to be hailed. A light on means they are available. A light out means they have passengers or are on their way to a call.
  • There are several taxi stands in our region, you can find them via the common taxi stand sign. General practice is to take the first taxi in line, however you, as a passenger have a right to choose.

Concern over a recent taxi or limousine ride?

If this is of a criminal matter or motor vehicle violation please contact the Halifax Regional Police's non-emergency dispatch at 902.490.5020.

To register a complaint about a taxi or limo, or about a taxi or limo driver, call 311.