DECEMBER 17, 2024
On December 16, 2024, Halifax West Community Council approved the application to enter into a development agreement to enable an addition at the rear of the existing dwelling at 918 South Bland Street, which is located within in the Halifax Grain Elevator Special Area.
Application by the property owner to enter into a development agreement to enable an addition at the rear of the existing dwelling at 918 South Bland Street, which is located within in the Halifax Grain Elevator Special Area.
The applicant wishes to construct an addition to the rear of the existing house. The major aspects of the proposal are as follows:
• Typically constructing a home addition only requires a building permit and is not required to be advertised to the public. However, this property is located within the Halifax Grain Elevator Special Area in the Regional Centre Plan Area, which applies additional requirements to any residential development.
• The Halifax Grain Elevator special area applies to certain properties which are close to the grain elevators located in the south end of the Halifax Peninsula (see Schedule 3F of the Regional Centre Land Use By-law). In general, there are potential public safety risks associated with grain elevator operations. A risk assessment study was requested by Regional Council to determine the extent of any safety risks and the implications on development in the area.
• The risk assessment study has been completed and work to integrate the findings of the report into land use regulations is in progress. As an interim precautionary measure, any new or expanded residential uses within the special area can currently only be permitted through the development agreement process. A development agreement is a legal agreement between a property owner and the Municipality which regulates how a specific property or area can be developed. The development agreement process allows a site-specific review of safety implications related to a proposal and can allow requirements or restrictions to be applied if deemed necessary.
The application will be considered under the process for development agreements.
TAKE NOTICE THAT Halifax and West Community Council did, on Monday, December 16, 2024, approve the following:
PLANAPP 2023-01535 - Application by the property owner to enter into a development agreement to enable an addition at the rear of the existing dwelling at 918 South Bland Street, which is located within in the Halifax Grain Elevator Special Area.
Any aggrieved person, the Provincial Director of Planning, or the Council of any adjoining municipality may, within fourteen days of the publishing of this notice on the HRM website, appeal to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (902.424.4448), in accordance with the provisions of the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter.
This notice was posted to this site on December 17, 2024 in accordance with the requirements of the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter.
Documents Submitted for Evaluation
The applicant has submitted plans and studies required by HRM staff to properly evaluate the application. The documents are also available for review at the Planning Applications office in Downtown Dartmouth.
- Site Plan (PDF)
- Building Elevation Drawings (PDF)
Contact Information
For further information, please contact:
Mailing Address
HRM Planning and Development
Planning Applications
PO Box: 1749,
Nova Scotia,
B3J 3A5
Attention: Taylor MacIntosh