Land Use Risk Assessment Study – Halifax Grain Elevator

About the Halifax Grain Elevator

The Halifax Grain Elevator, which has been in use since 1924, is an industrial facility that stores grains, soya beans and wood pellets transferred to, and from, bulk cargo ships and rail cars.

The Halifax Grain Elevator is located in the south end of Halifax on lands administered by the Halifax Port Authority (under jurisdiction of the federal government) and is operated by a private company, Halifax Grain Elevator Limited.

About the Land Use Risk Assessment Study – Halifax Grain Elevator report

The municipality’s Regional Centre Secondary Municipal Planning Strategy (Centre Plan) identified a need to understand and manage potential public safety risks associated with the Halifax Grain Elevator in order to shape future land development in the area. Given the quantity and nature of materials handled, grain elevators pose a potential dust explosion hazard.

As a result, the Land Use Risk Assessment Study – Halifax Grain Elevator was commissioned by the municipality in partnership with the Halifax Port Authority. Read the report.

The report provides recommendations to the municipality for future land use in the area between Marginal Road and approximately Barrington Street at Foundry Lane, through Atlantic Street at McLean Street.

The municipality will use the information from the risk assessment to update land use plans and by-laws through future work. Updates will be added to this web page as they become available.

The safety of residents and protection of property and infrastructure within the municipality are paramount. The municipality will continue to work in partnership with the Halifax Port Authority to ensure risks outlined in the study continue to be monitored, assessed and managed.

View the ongoing planning process here


Who is responsible for overseeing the Halifax Grain Elevator?

The Halifax Grain Elevator is located on lands administered by the Halifax Port Authority and is operated by a private company, Halifax Grain Elevator Limited.

Halifax Port Authority lands fall under the jurisdiction of the federal government via Transport Canada. The municipality works in cooperation with the Halifax Port Authority on common goals and related initiatives.

The Land Use Risk Assessment Study – Halifax Grain Elevator report is an example of such cooperation to ensure future land use in the area fully considers the results of this report.

Can you tell me more about the Land Use Risk Assessment Study – Halifax Grain Elevator report?

The municipality, in partnership with the Halifax Port Authority, has completed a land use risk assessment study of the Halifax Grain Elevator.

The land use risk assessment was proactively commissioned in 2021 to help inform land use planning decisions as part of the municipality’s Centre Plan – Package B.

The Land Use Risk Assessment Study – Halifax Grain Elevator report was provided to the municipality in November 2022 and since then ongoing coordination between the municipality and the Halifax Port Authority has taken place to confirm the details and recommendations in the report.

Based on accepted risk-based land use planning guidelines, the assessment study found that certain existing and proposed land uses are closer to the Halifax Grain Elevator than recommended. 

What does the Land Use Risk Assessment Study – Halifax Grain Elevator report recommend?

The Land Use Risk Assessment Study – Halifax Grain Elevator report provides recommendations to the municipality for future land use in the area between Marginal Road and approximately Barrington Street at Foundry Lane, through Atlantic Street at McLean Street.

The municipality will continue to work in partnership with the Halifax Port Authority to ensure risks outlined in the study continue to be monitored, assessed and managed. The Halifax Port Authority and the operator of the facility have done considerable work to reduce safety risks and that process is ongoing.

Is this the first land use risk assessment conducted by the municipality?

The Halifax Grain Elevator has been in operation since 1924 – a time when the surrounding south end of Halifax peninsula was largely focused on industrial and commercial use. Over the years the area has grown into a mixed-use residential neighbourhood.

This is the first land use risk assessment conducted by the municipality and the recommendations in this report will help ensure that continued residential development in this area is done with full consideration of the risks outlined in the Land Use Risk Assessment Study – Halifax Grain Elevator report.

Does the Halifax Grain Elevator pose any potential safety risks?

The Halifax Port Authority and the operator of the facility have done considerable work to reduce safety risks and that process is ongoing.

With any grain elevator there is a potential dust explosion hazard, given the quantity and nature of materials handled.

The safety of residents and protection of property and infrastructure within the municipality are paramount. The municipality will continue to work in partnership with the Halifax Port Authority to ensure the continued safe management of the risks outlined in this report.

I live near the Halifax Grain Elevator, what should I do?

Current residents and property owners within the areas around the Halifax Grain Elevator identified in the Land Use Risk Assessment Study – Halifax Grain Elevator report are encouraged to review the report to determine what impact it might have on their property.

I have questions about this report and municipal planning, who should I contact?

Questions related to municipal planning and existing properties can be directed to the municipality through 311.

I have questions about the operation of the Halifax Grain Elevator, who should I contact?

Questions related to port operations including the grain elevator can be directed to the Halifax Port Authority through or 902.426.8222.

Supporting documentation