Provincial Special Planning Areas

The Province of Nova Scotia has created an Executive Panel on Housing to address housing challenges in the capital region. As part of this initiative, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has designated fifteen (15) Provincial Special Planning Areas (SPAs) in the Halifax Regional Municipality to support the development of as many as 46,245 new residential units and approximately 380 long term care beds. To help accelerate an increase in the supply of housing, as outlined in the Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act, the designation allows the Minister to make decisions on planning matters in those areas. The eleven Provincial Special Planning Areas (SPAs) are: 

Four New Provincial Special Planning Area Sites as of August 6, 2024

Public Feedback and Approval Process 

Each of the Provincial Special Planning Areas (SPAs) are at a different stage of the planning process, with some nearing completion and others just commencing. All sites support the municipality's growth strategy and are aligned with the Regional Plan. Municipal staff will be preparing the planning documents for review by the Executive Panel on Housing. Given that the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has the authority to approve planning matters in the designated SPAs based on a recommendation of the Executive Panel on Housing, a formal public hearing process at Council will not be held for those areas.  

Updates on the planning process for each SPA will be provided on this website along with opportunities for the public to review and comment on the proposed planning documents. Specific public engagement opportunities will be tailored for each SPA and any public feedback received will help inform municipal staff recommendations and be shared with the Executive Panel on Housing.

The Province is also investing $2.3 million to enable the municipality to conduct critical environmental, land-use suitability, transportation and infrastructure studies to inform future planning and development decisions. These areas have been identified as Future Serviced Communities that require further study. View additional information on these sites.

Former Penhorn Mall Lands

Former Penhorn Mall Lands

June 21, 2022


TAKE NOTICE THAT The Executive Panel on Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality did, on Wednesday, June 8, 2022 recommend approval the following application:

Application by Clayton Developments to redevelop the former Penhorn Mall property with a mixed-use community containing a mix of low-rise, mid-rise, and high-rise residential buildings in addition to retail uses on the lands at 535-569 Portland Street, Dartmouth.

The planning documents have been reviewed and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing as per Bill No. 63 - Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act and the required notice placed in the newspaper circulating in the Municipality on June 17, 2022.  The development agreement is in effect once it is filed at the Nova Scotia Registry of Deeds.


Southdale/Mount Hope

Southdale / Mount Hope

The Southdale/Mount Hope lands in Dartmouth are located immediately adjacent to Highway 111 (“Circumferential Highway”). The lands are designated a “Future Growth Node” under the Regional Centre Secondary Planning Strategy. A comprehensive master planning process was initiated by Regional Council on January 11, 2022. The planning process has completed and, given the Special Area Status of the lands, a recommendation was made to the Executive Panel on Housing. The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing approved policy for the entire lands, and a development agreement for a portion of the lands on November 9, 2022. The approved development agreement enables the construction of up to 875 residential units in multi-unit buildings, townhomes and single-unit dwellings along with commercial uses, new parks, streets and pathways.

View a map of the area

Expected Units: 1,200

Status: Development approved by Minister on November 9, 2022 

Questions, concerns, or feedback about this site? Contact 311


August 6, 2024


Take Notice That on August 6, 2024 the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing as per Bill No. 63 - Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act, approved amendments to the development agreement between Clayton Developments and Halifax Regional Minicipality to enable residential development to proceed within the Southdale-Mount Hope Special Planning Area.

The planning documents have been reviewed and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing as per Bill No. 63 - Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act and the required notice placed in the newspaper circulating in the Municipality on August 6, 2024.  The development agreement is in effect once it is filed at the Nova Scotia Registry of Deeds.

View additional information related to planning applications made on these lands.


November 9, 2022


TAKE NOTICE THAT the Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister John Lohr did, on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 approve amendments to the Regional Centre Municipal Planning Strategy based on the recommendation of the Executive Panel on Housing, and on Tuesday October 25, 2022 the Minister approved a development agreement between Halifax Regional Municipality and A.J. Legrow to enable residential and mixed-use development in a portion of the Southdale-Mount Hope Special Planning Area.   

The planning documents have been reviewed and approved by the Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister as per Bill No. 63 - Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act and the required notice was placed in the newspaper circulating in the Municipality on November 9, 2022.  The development agreement is in effect once it is filed at the Nova Scotia Registry of Deeds.

View additional information related to planning applications made on these lands.


July 15, 2022


TAKE NOTICE THAT The Executive Panel on Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality did, on Wednesday, June 30, 2022 recommend approval the following application:

Application by Clayton Developments to approve a development agreement to enable tree removal and earthworks within the Southdale/Mount Hope Special Planning Area in advance of a subsequent Development Agreement being applied to these properties enabling their full development into a residential community.

The planning documents have been reviewed and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing as per Bill No. 63 - Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act and the required notice placed in the newspaper circulating in the Municipality on July 15, 2022.  The development agreement is in effect once it is filed at the Nova Scotia Registry of Deeds.

View additional information related to planning applications made on these lands.


 Bedford West 10 

Bedford West 10 

Bedford West is identified as an Urban District Growth Centre under the Regional Municipal Planning Strategy. Development of Bedford West is guided by the Bedford West Secondary Planning Strategy and is divided into 12 sub-areas. In 2021, Regional Council approved the enabling policies that guide the detailed development of Bedford West Sub Area 10. The overall size of Sub Area 10 is approximately 33 hectares (82 acres) and approximately 2,800 people are expected to live in the Sub Area. 

Please note that on November 23, 2023 and March 6, 2024, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing as per Bill No. 63 - Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act, has approved two developments agreements for portions of lands within Bedford West Sub Area 10 that will allow for the construction of residential units to house approximately 1,793 people.

View a map of the area (Please note: Clayton Developments Ltd. is one of the several landowners that own parcels of land within Bedford West Sub Area 10. The unit count provided is an estimation based on the total allowable density for the entire Sub Area, which is approx. 2,800 people)

Expected density: 2,800

Status: Development of detailed planning policies and regulations.

Questions, concerns, or feedback about this site? Contact 311


Bedford West 12 and 1

Bedford West 12 and 1 

Clayton Developments is applying to develop a new subdivision on 238 acres of land located between Hammonds Plains Road and Larry Uteck Boulevard. Clayton Developments is the major landholder and are working with 15 other property owners. The proposal is requesting amendments to applicable planning documents to support the development of a new mixed-density neighbourhood consisting of new streets and public parks, multi-unit buildings, a variety of ground-based units, and commercial and institutional uses.

View additional information related to the planning application made on these lands.

View a map of the area.

Expected Units: 2,500 


Questions, concerns, or feedback about this site? Contact 311


Port Wallace

Port Wallace


Port Wallace is identified as a growth area for a new community to be serviced with municipal sewer and water services. A planning process for the area was completed to design the community and determine servicing needs. Detailed policies and regulations have been approved and cover land uses, layout, densities, open space and other community amenities.

View more information on the project webpage.  

View a map of the area.

Expected Units: Up to 4,900

Status: Subdivision and Development. 

Questions, concerns, or feedback about this site? Contact 311


FEBRUARY 3, 2023


TAKE NOTICE THAT the Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister John Lohr did, on Thursday, January 26, 2023, approved amendments to the Regional Municipal Planning Strategy, the Municipal Planning Strategy for Dartmouth and Cole Habrour/Westphal, and the Land Use Bylaw for Dartmouth and Cole Habrour/Westphal. On Tuesday, January 31, 2023, the Minister approved the development agreement between the Halifax Regional Municipality and applicable landowners to enable residential development to proceed within the Port Wallace Special Planning Area.

The planning documents have been reviewed and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing as per Bill No. 63 - Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act and the required notice placed in the newspaper circulating in the Municipality on February 3, 2023.  The development agreement is in effect once it is filed at the Nova Scotia Registry of Deeds.


July 4, 2022


TAKE NOTICE THAT The Executive Panel on Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality did, on Thursday, June 16, 2022 recommend approval the following application:

Application by Clayton Developments Limited to amend the Regional Plan and apply a Development Agreement to the lands known as Port Wallace (PIDs 00249672, 00268599, 00258228, 40686966) to allow early tree removal and earthworks.

The planning documents have been reviewed and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing as per Bill No. 63 - Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act and the required notice placed in the newspaper circulating in the Municipality on July 2, 2022.  The development agreement is in effect once it is filed at the Nova Scotia Registry of Deeds.

View additional information related to planning applications made on these lands.



Indigo Shores

Indigo Shores  

Phase 1 of a comprehensive secondary planning process for the Middle Sackville Urban Local Growth Centre, to allow for the remaining phases of the Indigo Shores subdivision to proceed without the restriction of a 25 lot maximum per year. 

View additional information.

Now that it has been approved by the Minister, the development of the Indigo shores subdivision will no longer be limited to a maximum rate of 25 lots per calendar year. The notice of approval ads by both the province and municipality can be view here

View a map of the area.

Expected Units: 150 building lots

Status: Was presented to the Task Force in April 2022

Notice of Approval:

July 8, 2022


TAKE NOTICE THAT The Executive Panel on Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality did, on May 11, 2022 recommend approval of the following application:

Approval of a Development Agreement to allow for the remaining phases of the Indigo Shores subdivision to proceed without the restriction of a 25-lot maximum per year. 

The planning documents have been reviewed and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing as per Bill No. 63 - Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act and the required notice placed in the newspaper circulating in the Municipality on July 8, 2022. The development agreement is in effect once it is filed at the Nova Scotia Registry of Deeds.

View additional information related to planning applications made on these lands.


Morris Lake Expansion (Eastern Passage)

Morris Lake Expansion (Eastern Passage)

Request by Dartmouth East Holdings to initiate a secondary planning process for a new serviced community East of CFB Shearwater/ southeast of Morris Lake, Cole Harbour/ Eastern Passage. The proposal is requesting amendments to the applicable planning document to support the development of a new mixed-density neighbourhood consisting of new streets and public parks, multi-unit buildings and a variety of ground-based units. Before a Master Plan is considered a series of studies must be completed which include a Watershed Study, Land Suitability Analysis (environmental and cultural constraints) and an Infrastructure Master Plan (Water/Wastewater/Stormwater/Transportation capacity). 

Future development of this site is being considered through the Future Serviced Communities Studies. 

View Additional Information

View a map of the area.

Expected Units: 3,100

Status: Study work is being undertaken to inform decision-making regarding the development of the site.

Questions, concerns, or feedback about this site? Contact 311


Dartmouth Crossing

Dartmouth Crossing 

View a map of the area.

Expected Units: 4,100

Status: The planning process for this project is underway. View more information on the status and ways to provide feedback on the proposal. 

Questions, concerns, or feedback about this site? Contact 311


Sandy Lake  

Sandy Lake   

Request by Sandy Lake Holdings (Clayton Developments) to initiate the secondary planning process for a new serviced mixed-use (residential/ commercial) community to the west of Sandy Lake, Bedford/ Hammonds Plains. The proposal is requesting amendments to applicable planning documents to support the development of a new mixed-density neighbourhood consisting of new streets and public parks, multi-unit buildings and a variety of ground-based units. Before a Master Plan is considered a series of studies must be completed which include a Watershed Study, Land Suitability Analysis (environmental and cultural constraints) and an Infrastructure Master Plan (Water/ Wastewater/ Stormwater/ Transportation capacity). 

Future development of this site is being considered through the Future Serviced Communities Studies. 

View a map of the area.

Expected Units: 6,o00

Status: Study work is being undertaken to inform decision-making regarding the development of the site.

Questions, concerns, or feedback about this site? Contact 311


Musquodoboit Harbour

Musquodoboit Harbour

October 31, 2024

On October 24, 2024 the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing as per Bill No. 63 - Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act, approved a development agreement allowing the subdivision of a new lot that will contain a 48-bed shared housing with special care facility (The Birches Nursing Home) on PID 40192528 in Musquodoboit Harbour. The development agreement is in effect once it is filed at the Nova Scotia Registry of Deeds.

On January 17, 2023, a 18.6 hectare (46-acre) parcel of land in Musquodoboit Harbour was designated a Special Planning Area under the Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act.

Application by Sightline Planning + Approvals on behalf of the property owner (Harbour Garden Village Inc.) for a development agreement to allow the subdivision of a new lot that will contain a 48-bed shared housing with special care facility (The Birches Nursing Home) on PID 40192528 in Musquodoboit Harbour, which is designated a Provincial Special Planning Area.

View a map of the area.

Expected Units: 48-bed shared housing with special care facility (Nursing Home)

Status: Development Agreement allowing the subdivision of a new lot that will contain a 48-bed shared housing with special care facility (The Birches Nursing Home) was approved by the Minster on October 24, 2024.

Questions, concerns, or feedback about this site? Contact 311


Fall River Site C

Fall River Site C

On August 6, 2024 the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing as per Bill No. 63 - Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act, approved a developments agreement allowing  three (3) Multiple Unit Dwellings each containing 40 dwelling units for a total of 120 units off Ingram Drive.  This is the same development agreement which was refused by the defeat of the Notice of Motion at North West Community Council on October 3, 2022. The development agreement is in effect once it is filed at the Nova Scotia Registry of Deeds.

On February 16, 2024, a 12.35 hectare (30.52-acre) parcel of land at the end of Ingram Drive in Fall River was designated a Special Planning Area under the Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act.

Application by KWR Approvals on behalf of the property owner (Perry Lake Developments Inc.) for a development agreement to allow three (3) Multiple Unit Dwellings each containing 40 units for a total of 120 units off Ingram Drive on Opportunity Site C within the Planning Districts 14 and 17 Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law, which is designated a Provincial Special Planning Area.

View a map of the area.

Expected Units: 120

Status: The proposed development and supporting documentation is the same as what was submitted and considered by HRM under Case 21460.

Questions, concerns, or feedback about this site? Contact 311


Fall River Site B

Fall River Site B

On August 1, 2024, a 19.9 hectare (49.3 acre) parcel of land known as Opportunity Site B located along the Fall River Road, Fall River was designated a Special Planning Area under the Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act.

This area is 1 of 4 Opportunity Sites within the Planning Districts 14 and 17 Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law. In early 2019, Regional Council and North West Community Council approved an enriched living care facility intended to respond to market demand for housing that is designed to meet the changing needs of citizens as they age. The proposal includes a mixed-use residential complex inclusive of supporting service uses consisting of a maximum of 5 multiple unit dwelling building where services and amenities are provided to those individuals who may need personalized services or help with activities of daily living. To date, no Planning Application has been submitted requesting any changes to the approved development. 

View a map of the area.

Status: No Planning Application has been submitted requesting any changes to the approved development.


Paper Mill Lake

Paper Mill Lake

On August 6, 2024, approximately 81.3 hecateres (201 acres) of land abutting Paper Mill Lake, Hammonds Plains Road, and Highway 102, were designated a Special Planning Area under the Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act.

The site is a comprehensive development area in Bedford. The existing development agreement (1995) allows 921 residential units abutting Paper Mill Lake, Hammonds Plains Road and Highway 102. A total of 100 lots have been developed to date. Phase 1 is an amendment to the existing development agreement to allow 214 units creating access to Nine Mile Drive. Phase 2 is for a comprehensive neighbourhood planning process to allow a mix of housing with about 4,500 units, commercial uses, parks, recreational and institutional uses, and the completion of a collector road on the remaining lands.

View a map of the area.

Expected Units: Approximately 4,714 units in Phases 1 and 2.  Phase 1 is 214 units.

Status: The proposed development of Phase 1 and supporting documentation is the same as what was submitted and considered by HRM under Case 20507View additional information about Phase 1 here or at the link above.  

Questions, concerns, or feedback about this site? Contact 311


1226 Cole Harbour Road

1226 Cole Harbour Road

On August 6, 2024, approximately 8.92 hectares (22.04 acres) of land near 1226 Cole Harbour Rd., 73 & 77 Bisset Rd., Cole Harbour were designated a Special Planning Area under the Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act.

Gem Health Care Group has applied for a development agreement (PLANAPP 2023-00178) to establish a long-term care facility and four (4) multi-unit buildings (two 8-storey buildings and two 12-storey buildings) at 1226 Cole Harbour Road by development agreement. A total of 511 residential units and 144 long-term care beds are proposed to be built over 2 phases (Phase 1: health care facility, Phase 2: residential units). The development agreement process is enabled under policy UR-10 of the Cole Harbour / Westphal SMPS.

View additional Information about this proposal here

View a map of the area.

Expected Units: Approximately 511 residential units & 144 bedrooms (long-term care facility).

Status: A Public Information Meeting was held on March 18, 2024 and further review and revisions were required as a result of the feedback from the engagement process. The proposed development is still under review with the next steps being the creation of a draft development agreement and now a memo to the Executive Panel on Housing in HRM with a staff recommendation.

Questions, concerns, or feedback about this site? Contact 311


Westphal Urban Reserve Lands

Westphal Urban Reserve Lands

On August 6, 2024, over 405 hectares (1000 acres) of land in the Westphal area under Urban Reserve designation of the Regional Plan were designated a Special Planning Area under the Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act.

The African Nova Scotian Road to Economic Prosperity Action Plan identified the development of the Akoma-owned lands (318 acres) as a priority. On May 4, 2021, Regional Council approved changes to allow development on approximately 50 acres of the Akoma-owned lands (Case 21875). Remaining lands are being studied through the Future Serviced Communities (FSC) Study to inform future decisions on neighbourhood planning and infrastructure investment. The FSC Study will provide insight on lands suitable for development as well as the transportation and service infrastructure needed to support growth in the area. Upon completion of the FSC Study, staff will seek direction to proceed with comprehensive neighbourhood planning for the area. A comprehensive neighbourhood planning process considers all aspects of planning a new neighbourhood. Strategic public investments in infrastructure, parks and facilities may also be identified. The outcome is new municipal policies and regulations to guide and support new development in the area informed by HRM priority plans, public consultation, collaboration with internal and external review agencies, proposals from landowners, and supporting studies

View a map of the area.

Expected Units: Approximately 12,000 to 18,000 units

Status: Background studies are underway to inform potential future development of the area. The studies include a land suitability analysis, watershed analysis, transportation and mobility analysis, and water and wastewater servicing study. Once completed, the findings of the studies will be presented to the Executive Panel on Housing in HRM and Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. At this time, the Minister will provide direction to proceed with comprehensive neighbourhood planning for the area.  

Questions, concerns, or feedback about this site? Contact 311