Spring Garden Road is one of the region's busiest pedestrian shopping streets and a major corridor for Halifax Transit. Anchored by the popular Halifax Central Library at one end and the spectacular Halifax Public Gardens at the other.
We've completed street and sidewalk improvements, like wider sidewalks with pavers, the undergrounding of all wiring, and the addition of planters, trees, and seating. Renderings and project information to date can be found here.
September 2023 construction
UPDATE: The Spring Garden Road westbound lane, between Brenton and South Park street, will open at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 13, allowing motorists to drive through Brenton Street. The rest of the street will remain closed during construction.
Between Queen and South Park streets, Spring Garden Road will be closed to motor vehicle traffic from Tuesday, September 5 to Tuesday, September 19, with Halifax Transit rerouted to Morris Street. Pedestrian access to all businesses and properties will be maintained. Brenton Street will be temporarily traffic controlled with access from Clyde Street. However, access to Brenton Street will re-open once work is completed on the South Park Street to Brenton Street block to allow access and loading. See a detour map.
The road will be closed 24/7, with crews having permission to work weekdays from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. The full closure is required to minimize the construction duration and allow the work to be completed more safely and efficiently.
The majority of streetscaping work was completed in 2021. As planned, this closure will accommodate the final phase of work, which was delayed due to an adjacent construction encroachment and COVID-19 supply chain issues impacting the delivery of materials.
The scope of work for this project consists of the following:
- installing the sidewalk, planters and trees on the south side of Spring Garden Road between Queen Street and Birmingham Street
- installing three new bus shelters
- addressing deficiencies in existing pavers
- repairing benches
- addressing other deficiencies in infrastructure from previous work in 2021
This work is not related to the previous Spring Garden Road bus-only pilot.
When and why will Spring Garden Road be closed in September 2023?
Spring Garden Road, between Queen and South Park streets, will be closed from 6 a.m., Tuesday, September 5 until 8 p.m., Tuesday, September 19, 2023. This section of the street will be closed to cars buses and cyclists, but open to pedestrian traffic. Businesses will remain open and operational throughout the construction period, and pedestrian access to all businesses and properties will be maintained.
The road will be closed 24/7, with crews having permission to work weekdays from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. The full closure is required to minimize the construction duration and allow the work to be completed more safely and efficiently.
This work supports the final phase of Imagine Spring Garden Road (Spring Garden Road Streetscape Project), which aims to beautify the street as well as improve conditions for those walking, rolling, and using Halifax Transit. The final design and all past community engagement can be found on ShapeYourCity.
The scope of work for this phase of work consists of the following:
- installing the sidewalk, planters and trees on the south side of Spring Garden Road between Queen and Birmingham streets
- installing three new bus shelters
- addressing deficiencies in existing pavers
- repairing benches
- addressing other deficiencies in infrastructure from previous work in 2021
The full closure is required to minimize the construction duration and allow the work to be completed more safely and efficiently.
The majority of streetscaping work was completed throughout 2021. This closure will accommodate the final phase of work, which was delayed due a construction encroachment by an adjacent property development and COVID-19 supply chain issues impacting delivery of materials.
This work is not related to the previousSpring Garden Road bus-only pilot.
- How will motorists and cyclists be impacted? What are the traffic detours?
Spring Garden Road, between Queen and South Park streets, will be closed from 6 a.m., Tuesday, September 5 until 8 p.m., Tuesday September 19, 2023. This section of the street will be closed to cars buses and cyclists, but open to pedestrian traffic. Businesses will remain open and operational throughout the construction period, and pedestrian access to all businesses and properties will be maintained.
The road will be closed 24/7, with crews having permission to work weekdays from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. The full closure is required to minimize the construction duration and allow the work to be completed more safely and efficiently.
There will be marked detours in place for all eastbound and westbound traffic that travels on Spring Garden Road, between Queen and South Park streets. See the detour map.
Dresden Row, as well as South Park, Birmingham and Queen streets will remain open to motorist, pedestrian and cyclist traffic, including the intersections at Spring Garden Road. Brenton Street will be traffic controlled with access from Clyde Street.
Cyclists are asked to use alternate routes during construction, or dismount and walk their bikes. The bike lane along South Park Street at the Spring Garden Road intersection will not be impacted.
- Will businesses remain open?
Businesses will remain open and operational throughout the construction period, and pedestrian access to all businesses and properties will be maintained.
- Will patios on Spring Garden Road be impacted?
Patios are not expected to be impacted. If work is needed around a patio, the contractor will coordinate with the owner.
- Will businesses and/or residents experience utility shutdowns for short periods during this project?
- How will Halifax Transit bus routes, and stops, be impacted?
All bus stops on Spring Garden Road, between Queen and South Park streets, and bus stop 8312 (South Park Street Before Spring Garden Road) will be temporarily closed and detoured to Morris Street (see the detour map).
The following routes will detour along Morris Street: 1, 8, 9A, 9B, 10, 123, 127, 182, 183, 185, 186, 194, and 196. Buses will continue to service existing stops along the detour route.
To accommodate the transit detour:
- A southbound temporary bus stop has been installed on Queen Street after Clyde Street. Some hourly parking southbound on Queen Street, near Clyde Street, has been removed to accommodate the temporary bus stop;
- Bus stops 8327 (Spring Garden Road After Queen Street), 8331 (Spring Garden Road Before Queen Street) and 8333 (Spring Garden Road Before South Park Street) will continue to service regular routing and temporarily service Routes 123, 127, 182, 183, 185, 186, 194 and 196;
- Bus stops 8322 (Spring Garden Road After South Park Street), 8309 (South Park Street After Morris Street) and bus stop 8313 (South Park Street Before University Avenue) will continue to service regular routing (and temporarily service) routes 1, 8, 9A, 9B, 123, 127, 182, 183, 185, 186, 194 and 196; and,
- Bus stops 7247 (Morris Street Before Birmingham Street) and 7246 (Morris Street after Birmingham Street) will continue to service regular routing, and temporarily service routes 1, 8, 9A, 9B, 10, 123, 127, 182, 183, 185, 186, 194 and 196.
- Will there be any temporary bus stops?
A southbound temporary bus stop has been installed on Queen Street, after Clyde Street, to accommodate the transit detour.
- Will cross streets be impacted, including Dresden Row, South Park, Brenton, Birmingham and Queen streets?
Dresden Row, South Park, Birmingham and Queen streets will remain open to vehicle and cyclist traffic, including the intersections at Spring Garden Road. Brenton Street will be traffic controlled with access from Clyde Street and curbside access restricted.
- How will this impact accessible parking spaces?
Accessible parking can be found on side streets near Spring Garden Road. Existing accessible parking on Brenton Street at Spring Garden Road however may be become temporarily unavailable.
There are currently seven accessible parking spots near Spring Garden Road in five locations, including one on Queen Street near Clyde Street, two on Birmingham Street near Spring Garden Road (one north, one to the south, of Spring Garden Road), two on Dresden Row near Spring Garden Road (one north, one to the south, of Spring Garden Road), one on Dresden Row near Artillery Place, and one on Brenton Street near Spring Garden Road.
- Will sidewalk access be maintained?
Pedestrian access to all businesses and properties will be maintained. During sidewalk construction, a marked pedestrian detour will be in place. Businesses will remain open and operational throughout the construction period.
- Will this phase of work complete the Imagine Spring Garden Road streetscaping project?
Public art remains to be installed. The public art is expected to be installed in late fall 2023.
- Where can I find more information?
Residents may contact 311 with any questions, as well as visit the project web page, or ShapeYourCity.
Previous Project Updates
- Bus only pilot update
The Halifax Regional Municipality is contemplating a Bus-only Pilot Project along the corridor between South Park Street and Queen Street. This initiative has been paused while municipal staff reevaluate the proposed traffic control measures to communicate and enforce the pilot initiative.
- Project Update #29 - July 8, 2022
The Halifax Regional Municipality is advising residents that the Spring Garden Road Bus-only Pilot will be paused on Friday, July 8, until further notice.
The municipality intends to re-evaluate the current traffic control measures to recommend alternative methods to communicate and enforce the pilot initiative.
Effective immediately, the following changes will be in effect:
Spring Garden Road, from Queen Street to South Park Street, will return to normal traffic operations; Vehicle access will be maintained on Spring Garden Road southbound on Birmingham Street, northbound on Dresden Row and northbound on Brenton Street.Regional Council approved this project in December 2021 as part of the Imagine Spring Garden Road streetscaping project.
- Clyde Street will remain two-way between South Park Street and Queen Street
- stopping is not permitted along Spring Garden Road, from Queen to South Park streets, outside of the one designated loading area; and,
- cyclists and pedestrians will continue to have access at all times.
- Project Update #28 - October 21, 2022
Starting Tuesday, September 6, until Friday, October 21, Spring Garden Road from Queen Street to Birmingham Street will be closed to vehicle traffic 24/7.
Halifax Transit bus routes will be detoured throughout the duration of the road closure.
Access to all businesses will be maintained at all times. Traffic control personnel will be on-site to direct pedestrians around the work site.
This road closure will be in place to facilitate the remaining underground work related to the Spring Garden Road streetscaping project. This work includes the installation of utility infrastructure, soil cells, and light bases, as well as a final utility connection.
- Project Update #27 - December 15, 2021
- Continuing to install pavers along the remaining portions of Spring Garden Road.
- Installing soil cells and planters along the northside Spring Garden between Brenton Street and Birmingham Street.
- Installing pavers at the access-a-bus stop in front of Park Lane Mall.
- Completing curb work at Birmingham Street and Dresden Row intersections.
- Bell Aliant has requested closures of Dresden Row (Wednesday) and Birmingham Street (Thursday) to pull wires off poles. Traffic will be flagged two-way at that time. NSP will transfer power to the new underground system for various customers, with primary work being completed Sunday night. NSP has pre-arranged the required outages with all the affected customers. Poles and wires will be removed Sunday evening as well. This will require a closure of side streets, and two-way flagging will be in place.
- Streetlights are being installed starting at the South Park Street intersection.
- Project Update #26 - December 7, 2021
- The intersection of Spring Garden Road and South Park Street will be closed from Friday, Dec. 10-Monday, Dec. 13. Read the Public Service Announcement for full details.
- Continuing to install pavers along the remaining portions of Spring Garden Road;
- Installing soil cells and planters along the northside Spring Garden between Brenton and Birmingham;
- Installing pavers at the access-a-bus stop in front of Park Lane;
- Installing pedestrian ramps at the Dresden Row intersection;
- Completing duct bank construction at the northwest Birmingham intersection;
- Streetlights are being installed starting at the South Park Street intersection;
- The utilities have begun to pull their wires along the corridor. NSP will coordinate directly with property owners/tenants for any overnight switchovers.
- Project Update #25 - November 30, 2021
- Continuing to install pavers along the remaining portions of Spring Garden Road;
- Installing soil cells and planters along the northside Spring Garden between Brenton and Birmingham;
- Installing pavers at the access-a-bus stop in front of Park Lane; Installing pedestrian ramps at the Dresden Row intersection;
- Completing ductbank construction at the northwest Birmingham intersection; Streetlights are being installed starting at the South Park Street intersection;
- The utilities have begun to pull their wires along the corridor. NSP will coordinate directly with property owners/tenants for any overnight switchovers.
- Project Update #24 - November 23, 2021
- Finishing pavers along the southside of Spring Garden between Dresden Row and Birmingham Street
- Installing pavers along the northside of Spring Garden between South Park Street and Brenton Street
- Finishing planters along the southside Spring Garden between Brenton and Dresden; Forming planters in front of Park Lane Mall
- Completing ductbank construction at the north east Birmingham intersection; Pouring top soil into completed planters
- The utilities have begun to pull their wires along the corridor.
- NSP will coordinate directly with property owners/tenants for any overnight switchovers.
- Project Update #23 - November 16, 2021
- Continuing to install soil cells and planters between Dresden Row and Brenton Street;
- Installing pavers along the southside of Spring Garden between Dresden Row and Birmingham Street;
- Installing pavers along the northside of Spring Garden between Birmingham Street and Queen Street;
- Working nights to prepare the northside of Spring Garden between South Park Street and Dresden Row for pavers;
- Completing ductbank construction at the north east Birmingham intersection;
- Installing ductbank along Spring Garden at Queen Street;
- Completing top lift asphalt between South Park Street and Birmingham Street this weekend – will require a closure of Dresden Row. Weather dependent;
- The utilities have begun to pull their wires along the corridor.
- Project Update #22 - November 10, 2021
- Continuing to install soil cells and planters between Dresden Row and Birmingham Street;
- Installing pavers along the southside of Spring Garden between Brenton Street and Dresden Row;
- Installing pavers along the northside of Spring Garden between Birmingham Street and Queen Street;
- Completing ductbank construction at the north east Birmingham intersection;
- Pouring curb between Dresden Row and Birmingham Street;
- Completing base lift asphalt between Brenton and Birmingham;
- The utilities will begin to pull their wires along the corridor this week and next.
- Project Update #21 - November 3, 2021
- Continuing to install soil cells and planters between Dresden Row and Birmingham Street;
- Installing pavers along the southside of Spring Garden between Brenton Street and South Park Street;
- Completing ductbank construction at the north east Dresden Row intersection;
- Beginning pavers on the northside of Spring Garden Road sidewalk between Birmingham and Queen Street;
- Pouring curb between Brenton and Dresden;
- Project Update #20 - October 26, 2021
- Continuing to install soil cells and planters between South Park Street and Dresden Row on the south side;
- Pouring base asphalt on the southside of Spring Garden between Brenton Street and South Park;
- Installing pavers along the southside of Spring Garden in front of civic 5670;
- Completing installation of pavers along the loading bay near McDonalds and Lawtons; Completing installation of the Nova Scotia Power vault on the south side of the Dresden Row intersection;
- Completing ductbank construction between Dresden Row and Birmingham Street;
- Beginning work on the northside of Spring Garden Road sidewalk between Birmingham and Queen Street;
- Project Update #19 - October 19, 2021
- Continuing to install soil cells and planters between South Park Street and Dresden Row on the south side;
- Pouring curb and gutter along the southside of Spring Garden between Brenton Street and South Park Street;
- Completing installation of pavers along the loading bay near McDonalds and Lawtons;
- Completing installation of the Nova Scotia Power vault on the south side of the Dresden Row intersection;
- Completing ductbank construction between Dresden Row and Birmingham Street;
- Beginning work on the northside of Spring Garden Road sidewalk between Birmingham and Queen Street;
- Beginning sidewalk removal at the southwest corner of Birmingham and Spring Garden;
- Halifax Water will be replacing a valve at Birmingham and Spring Garden on Thursday night. Notices have been circulated to those impacted.
- Project Update #18 - October 13, 2021
- Continuing to install soil cells and planters between South Park Street and Dresden Row;
- Beginning to install pavers along the loading bay near McDonalds and Lawtons; Beginning to excavate and install a Nova Scotia Power vault on the south side of the Dresden Row intersection;
- Completing paving around the Birmingham intersection that will allow for pedestrian area to relocate to complete ductbank construction between Dresden Row and Birmingham Street;
- Prepping area around McDonalds and Lawtons for the installation of the granite bollards, and preparing the area for pavers in the coming weeks;
- Heritage Gas is capping a gas line at Dresden Row.
- Installation of all three communication vaults, and ductbanks from Dresden Row to South Park Street, have been completed.
- Project Update #17 - October 5, 2021
- Finishing the installation of ductbanks along the south side of Spring Garden Road, between Brenton Street and South Park Street;
- Finishing the install of ductbanks along the south side of Spring Garden Road, between Brenton Street and Dresden Row;
- Beginning to install soil cells between Brenton Street and Dresden Row;
- Finishing the construction of the expanded communication vault at Dresden Row and backfilling the intersection;
- Continuing construction of the communication manhole at the Birmingham intersection;
- Beginning the installation of soil cells between Birmingham Street and Queen Street (north side);
- Installing curb around Scotiabank at Brenton Street;
- Prepping area around McDonalds and Lawtons for the installation of the granite bollards, and preparing the area for pavers in the coming weeks
- Project Update #16 - September 28, 2021
- Finishing the installation of ductbanks along the south side of Spring Garden Road, between Brenton Street and South Park Street;
- Finishing the install of ductbanks along the south side of Spring Garden Road, between Brenton Street and Dresden Row;
- Beginning to install soil cells between Brenton Street and Dresden Row;
- Finishing the construction of the expanded communication vault at Dresden Row and backfilling the intersection;
- Continuing construction of the communication manhole at the Birmingham intersection;
- Beginning the installation of soil cells between Birmingham Street and Queen Street (north side);
- Installing curb around Scotiabank at Brenton Street;
- Prepping area around McDonalds and Lawtons for the installation of the granite bollards, and preparing the area for pavers in the coming weeks;
- Project Update #15 - September 21, 2021
- Continuing to install ductbanks along the south side of Spring Garden Road, between Brenton Street and South Park Street, up to Turkish Delight;
- Continuing to install ductbanks along the south side of Spring Garden Road, between Brenton Street and Dresden, up to La Fresca;
- Pouring the concrete walls for the expanded communication vault at Dresden Row;
- Continuing demolition of the communication manhole at the Birmingham intersection; Beginning to form up and pour concrete for the next two planters located by Brenton Street.
- Nova Scotia Power will be moving some transformer banks overnight around Dresden Row and Birmingham Street. This should not impact service to customers.
- Project Update #14 - September 14, 2021
- Continuing to install ductbanks along the south side of Spring Garden Road, between Brenton Street and South Park Street, up to Turkish Delight;
- Continuing to install ductbanks along the south side of Spring Garden Road, between Brenton Street and Dresden, up to La Frasca;
- Constructing the walls for the expanded communication vault at Dresden Row; Beginning demolition of the communication manhole at the Birmingham intersection;
- Beginning to form up and pour concrete for the first two planters located by South Park Street;
- Pouring sidewalk on the northwest corner of Dresden Row; Pouring concrete pads for seating.
- Project Update #13 - September 7, 2021
- Continuing to install ductbanks along the south side of Spring Garden Road, between Brenton Street and Dresden Row;
- Installing gravels between Birmingham Street and Queen Street, all cobblestone and tram tracks have been removed;
- Pouring the concrete base and forming the walls for the expanded communication vault at Dresden Row;
- Beginning construction on the communication manhole at the Birmingham intersection; Beginning to form up and pour concrete for the first two planters located by South Park Street;
- Nova Scotia Power will begin to complete work within the vault located at Brenton/Spring Garden.
- Project Update #12 - August 31, 2021
- Completing the concrete work for the Bell Aliant manhole on Dresden Row; demolition is now complete;
- Backfilling the underground electrical work in the Northwest quadrant of the Dresden Row intersection;
- Continuing to install ductbanks along the south side of Spring Garden Road, between South Park Street and Dresden Row;
- Beginning to remove the asphalt and cobblestones/tram tracks at the block between Birmingham Street and Queen Street.
- Nova Scotia Power will begin to complete work within the vault located at Brenton/Spring Garden.
- Project Update #11 - August 24, 2021
- Continuing the demolition of the existing communications vault at Dresden Row, which is to be expanded;
- Backfilling the underground electrical work in the Northwest quadrant of the Dresden Row intersection;
- Installing the ductbank in front of Scotiabank. The communications vault has been installed at the Brenton Street intersection by Scotiabank.
- Pedestrians have been moved into the roadway around this work. Signage and traffic control staff have been positioned to direct customers through the area;
- Installing soil cells along the north sidewalk starting by South Park Street;
- Nova Scotia Power will be installing poles overnight. The work duration will be impacted by weather and ground conditions, but the tentative schedule is as follows:
- Wednesday, August 25 from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. on Thursday, August 26 (North Side of Dresden Row and Spring Garden Road)
- Sunday, August 29 from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. on Monday, August 30 (South Side of Dresden Row and Spring Garden Road)
- Sunday, August 29 from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. on Monday, August 30 (North Side of Birmingham and Spring Garden Road)
- Project Update #10 - August 18, 2021
- Demolishing the existing communications vault at Dresden Row, which is to be expanded;
- Excavating for the communications vault to be installed at the Brenton Street intersection by Scotiabank. Pedestrians have been moved into the roadway around this work. Signage and traffic control staff have been positioned to direct customers through the area;
- A water shutdown is planned for Thursday, August 19, starting at 7 p.m. Notices have been circulated to those who will be impacted.
- To complete this work, Birmingham Street will be closed to local traffic only starting at noon on Thursday and will be removed prior to 6 a.m. Friday, August 20. Parking and loading will be temporarily impacted while the work is taking place; and Nova Scotia Power will be installing poles overnight. The work duration will be impacted by weather and ground conditions. The tentative schedule is as follows:
- Sunday, August 22 – Dresden Row
- Tuesday, August 25 – Birmingham Street
- Project Update #9 - August 11, 2021
- Grading gravels in the Dresden to Birmingham block, and begin prepping for the installation of curb;
- Completing reinstatement of the sidewalk along Brenton Street;
- Excavating on the northside of South Park – Dresden in preparation for soil cell installation;
- Continuing with the installation of underground electrical;
- Nova Scotia Power has completed the drilling for new poles on Dresden Row and Birmingham Street (between Spring Garden and Clyde Street). Installation of new poles will happen overnight in the coming weeks. More information on timelines will be provided once confirmed.
- Project Update #8 - July 27, 2021
- Finishing subgrade work and gravels in the Dresden to Birmingham block;
- Beginning reinstatement of the sidewalk along Brenton Street;
- Nova Scotia Power will be completing work along Brenton Street on Saturday, July 31;
- Nova Scotia Power will begin installing new poles on Dresden Row (between Spring Garden and Clyde) this week starting on Wednesday, July 28 to Friday, July 30.
- Project Update #7 - July 21, 2021
Finishing subgrade work and gravels in the Dresden to Birmingham block;
Removing the existing curb along Brenton Street and beginning reinstatement of the sidewalk and driveway;
The municipality will be relocating accessible parking spaces on Dresden Row and Birmingham Street to prepare for next week’s NSP operation on side streets (see below)
Nova Scotia Power will be pulling cable along Brenton Street on Sunday, July 25. Their crews will be onsite with a crane to complete this work;
The municipality will be relocating accessible parking spaces on Dresden Row and Birmingham Street to prepare for next week’s NSP operation on side streets.
- Project Update #6 - July 13, 2021
- Finishing the work on the storm laterals along the Dresden and Birmingham block;
- Completing work in the section between Birmingham and Queen Street to prepare for the water shutdown this week;
- Installing a gas lateral with Heritage Gas on Brenton Street;
- Removing the existing curb along Brenton Street and beginning reinstatement of the sidewalk and driveway;
- Thursday, July 15: Completed water shutdown #2 with Halifax Water. This shutdown will impact residents between Dresden Row down to Brunswick Street. See the notice sent to impacted properties.
- Project Update #5 - July 6, 2021
- Monday, July 5, 2021: the contractor completed water shutdown #1, between South Park Street and Dresden Row. This shutdown included the replacement of two valves, as well as capping and plugging service laterals, and replacing a portion of a lead service lateral.
- Continuing work on the stormwater pipe along the Dresden and Birmingham block
- Beginning work on a new drain for a Nova Scotia Power manhole located on Brenton Street.
- Continuing to complete the ductbank along Brenton Street, which includes pouring concrete for the remainder of work within this project’s work zone.
- Wednesday, July 7: removed the large tree on Spring Garden between Dresden and Birmingham.
- Project Update #4 - June 30, 2021
- Completing the installation of storm laterals, including catchbasin work in the South Park and Dresden block.
- Completing the installation of gravels along the roadway in the South Park and Dresden block.
- Continuing with the duct bank work along Brenton Street. About 75% of this work has been completed so far.
- Beginning to remove the tram tracks and cobblestones from the Dresden to Birmingham block.
- Project Update #3 - June 22, 2021
- Continuing with installation of storm laterals, including catchbasin work, in the South Park and Dresden block.
- Continuing with the roadway removal, which includes the surface, tram tracks, and cobblestones, along the Dresden and Birmingham block.
- Continuing with the duct bank work along Brenton Street.
- A mock shutdown was completed on Monday night to ensure all water valves are operational in advance of the real shut-downs needed later. This testing should minimize the risk of unexpected interruptions in water service.
- Project Update #2 - June 17, 2021
- Continuing with the roadway removal, which includes the surface, tram tracks, cobblestones, and in some areas, the curbs.
- Excavating the west sidewalk on Brenton Street to install the duct bank. This work requires blocking off the northern portion of Brenton Street and the remaining sidewalk on the west side of the street.
- Beginning work on the storm sewer system, which includes work on the catch basins, catch basin leads and other storm services.
- Project Update #1 - June 8, 2021
- Fencing is now up and secured, with all required detours in place. This week the contractor will be completing:
- Pre-construction video inspection and documentation (including pipes)
- Hydro excavation (confirms locations of underground infrastructure) - at a few locations on Wednesday, June 9
- Coordination with Halifax Water to investigate planned water service changes
- Removal of roadway asphalt and old, buried tram tracks
- Marking various proposed features (new curb, water service changes, other)
- May 2021
Council has approved the award of the construction tender. View the details related to the award of the tender. Work is underway to prepare for construction beginning in Spring 2021.
- December 2020
Construction of a new traffic signal at Sackville Street and Dresden Row has been completed.
To improve traffic circulation in the area and increase loading and parking space on the side streets, parts of Dresden Row and Birmingham Street are becoming one-way. Dresden Row will be northbound, between Clyde Street and Artillery Place, but will remain two-way between Artillery Place and Sackville Street. Birmingham Street will be southbound between Clyde Street and Artillery Place. These changes came into effect Tuesday, Dec. 1.
View an information handout showing the changes coming to the intersections and the one way streets.
Accompanying these one-way changes are a temporary pilot project at the irregular intersection of Artillery Place, Queen Street, and Birmingham Street. This project will test out a new intersection design to improve the safety of this intersection, and will be in place the week of November 30. View the design.