All Online Services
Anniversary message from the mayor
- Online FormAsk the mayor to send an anniversary message to couples celebrating a 50th, 55th, 60th, 65th, 70th, or 75th anniversary.
Ask a question to 311
- Service InformationHave a general question? Send 311 a message and receive and answer by email.
Birthday message from the mayor
- Online FormAsk the mayor to send a birthday message to someone turning 80, 90, or 100 (also available every year after 100).
Civic Event Grants
- Service InformationFind out how to apply for a Civic Event grant application.
Community Clean Up / Adopt A Highway
- Online FormSchedule pick up from Community Clean Up programs. Please ensure you have registered for the program prior to contacting HRM
Contact your councillor
- Service InformationContact the mayor or your councillor.
Drainage Infrastructure Request
- Online FormRequest for new drainage infrastructure (e.g. new catch basin, culvert, street drain).
Election Signs
- Online FormReport concerns on the size of election signs, signs in prohibited areas, signs on a travel way, path, or other concerns.
- Online FormRequests to cut grass in parks, playgrounds, athletic fields, cemeteries and in the boulevard.
hfxALERT - submit feedback
hfxALERT is the municipal mass notification system keeping residents informed about urgent and non-urgent situations.Invite the mayor (Public Event)
- Online FormInvite the mayor to attend your special event.
- Online FormRequests for pruning and maintenance of foliage, vegetation, shrubs, flower beds, hanging baskets. Examples include weeds in shrub beds, rodent holes, etc.
Military Retirement Congratulations
- Online FormAsk the mayor to send a congratulatory message to someone retiring from the military.
New Litter Bin in Park Request
- Online FormNew Litter Bin in Park Request
New Litter Bin in ROW Request
- Online FormRequest for new litterbins in the right-of-way.
New Sidewalk Request
- Online FormRequest for new sidewalks.
Non-ROW Signage
- Online FormRequest for a new sign in a park (sign maintenance, complaints about signs in a park -including election signs).
Parks Infrastructure Requests
- Online FormInquiries on, or request for a new park, playground, greenspace, or infrastructure.
Parks Inquiries
- Online FormParks related inquiries, including complaints & compliments, hours of operation, policy inquiries, lost items in parks.
Pavement Markings
- Online FormRequest for new pavement markings or repainting of existing markings.
Report a crime to Halifax Police
- Online ServiceReport a minor crime to Halifax Regional Police. If a crime is in progress, call 911.
Request a new mini green bin
- Service InformationRequest a replacement countertop mini bin for organic waste.
Request repairs (parks & playgrounds)
- Online FormReport damage to something in a municipal park, playground, or field.
Request residential refrigerant removal
- Online FormRequest the free removal of refrigerants from your domestic refrigerator, air conditioner, or other cooling appliance before garbage collection.
ROW Services General Inquiries
- Online FormReport issues about activity in the ROW or roadside memorials. Report general ROW inquiries regarding obstructions or placement of containers/excavation equipment.
ROW Signage
- Online FormRequest for new ROW/Traffic signs, damage to signs, missing signs, sign maintenance, change or removal of traffic signs.
Snow Damage
- Online FormReport damage to HRM Property such as vehicles, buildings, sidewalks, curbs, grass, trees, shrubs, gardens, etc.
Street Sweeping
- Online FormRequests for street sweeping outside of regularly scheduled weekly sweeping (during warmer months).