Earth Fest was a free, five-day celebration of the life-giving power of nature and the many people, from all walks of life, who are protecting nature and taking action on climate.
Earth Fest events ran from April 18 until Earth Day on April 22 and included dozens of workshops, events and programs led by community organizations across the municipality. The events were hosted by HalifACT, The Ecology Action Centre, Every One Every Day and Halifax Public Libraries.

The Earth Fest marquee event at the Halifax Central Library gave residents a chance to experiment with hands-on activities in five themes of climate action: Food, Nature, Home, Getting Around and Community.

Earth Fest activities featured performances that showcased climate innovation and inspiring visions of the future. The Earth Fest Human Library offered a way for residents to learn from people with experience in growing the climate movement.

A look back at Earth Fest
Community members discussed how they are acting on climate in a series of four short lectures.

Before Earth Fest, we hosted a Call to Climate Action with Halifax Public Libraries in November 2023.
A Call to Climate Action: HalifACT Human Library and Ideas Fair

HalifACT and Earth Day
April 22 is Earth Day. To celebrate, we’re highlighting some of the ways we’re advancing our commitment to climate action across the municipality and sharing tips for everyday changes you can make in your community.
Tips for celebrating Earth Day
- Intensifying storm systems and rainier spring seasons are increasing the risk of flooding for homeowners. Consider nature-based solutions for managing water on your property like using a rain barrel or planting a rain garden. Rain barrels are a great way to reuse collected water during warm weather, and rain gardens offer a range of benefits from reducing flooding and soil erosion to helping pollinators like bees and hummingbirds.
- Learn more about HalifACT, the municipality’s long-term climate action plan. Commitment to climate action means continuing to adapt and prepare for the impacts of climate change while protecting the natural environment and looking for ways to enhance resiliency through green energy. HalifACT is already taking action by transitioning to electric buses and fleet vehicles, retrofitting municipal buildings for energy efficiency, and investing in emergency preparedness, storm water protection and food security. Learn more about our recent efforts in the latest HalifACT community update.
- Explore the parks and trails the Halifax Regional Municipality has to offer. Learn more about the Green Network Plan and naturalization efforts in communities across the region.
- Participate in our LakeWatchers program. Our community-based lake monitoring program, LakeWatchers, gathers water quality data that will help us understand the health of our lakes and how they are changing. Data collected will inform planning policies for future growth and development.
- Clean up after your dogs and throw it in the garbage, even if it’s in a wooded area. Animal waste contains bacteria and parasites, such as E. coli, giardia and salmonella. Waste washes from streets, parks and private property into our waterways, which pollutes our watershed. This poses a health risk to both humans and other animals. High bacteria levels in the water not only pollute our watersheds but can lead to beach closures throughout the summer. Learn more about our Canines for Clean Water initiative.
- Discover how we’re investing in low-carbon transportation options through the Integrated Mobility Plan.