ZZap Consulting Inc. is requesting to enter into a development agreement to allow a residential community at 101 Research Drive, Dartmouth (PIDs 40305328 & 40003600), also known as the Southdale lands.
The major aspects of the proposal are as follows:
• 10 multiple unit residential buildings, ranging from 3 to 9 storeys;
• Approximately 1,040 residential units;
• Realignment of Research Drive (public street);
• Public parkland approximately 1,713 square meters in size; and,
• An active transportation network through the site, linking to Dartmouth South Academy, Fenwick Street, Lynn Drive, and the remaining Southdale lands for future connections.
The development agreement will identify the location of the roads, parks, and new lots and provide provisions for the subdivision of the land. The agreement will also identify zones for each of the new lots, building heights, specific built form and land use requirements and the phasing for the development.
The Development Plans (provided below) outline the development proposal in detail.
The properties are designated Future Growth Node (FGN) and zoned Comprehensive Development District (CDD) under the new Regional Centre Secondary Municipal Planning Strategy (SMPS) and Land Use By-law (LUB), also known as the Centre Plan.
Future growth nodes are lands where there is potential to accommodate significant growth due to the site’s size, location, and proximity to services. These parcels of land are intended to be comprehensively planned to ensure they meet the objectives of the Centre Plan. This proposal is being considered under enabling Policy F-12 of the Regional Centre SMPS and is on Area 3 of the Southdale lands.
Southdale/Mount Hope was designated a “Special Planning Area” (SPA) by the Executive Panel on Housing of the Province of Nova Scotia to address housing challenges in the capital region. To help accelerate an increase in the supply of housing, as outlined in the Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act, the designation allows the Minister to make decisions on planning matters in this areas.
Municipal staff will be preparing the planning documents for review by the Executive Panel on Housing. Given that the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has the authority to approve planning matters in the designated SPA, based on a recommendation of the Executive Panel on Housing, a formal public hearing process at Council will not be held for this application.
Updates on the planning process will be provided on this website along with opportunities for the public to review and comment on the proposed planning documents. Specific public engagement opportunities will be identified at a later date and any public feedback received will help inform municipal staff recommendations and be shared with the Executive Panel on Housing.
The public engagement period is now complete however comments continue to be welcome. A more detailed review of the application will now occur as well as drafting of the development.
There is a narrated presentation (video) available here and application documents are available below.
Documents Submitted for Evaluation
The applicant has submitted plans and studies required by HRM staff to properly evaluate the application. The documents are also available for review at the Planning Applications office in Downtown Dartmouth.
- Application Letter (PDF)
- Revised Traffic Impact Study (PDF)
- Archeological Resource Impact Assessment (ARIA) (PDF)
- Site Plan (PDF)
- Supplemental Servicing Schematics (PDF)
- Supplementary Plans (Phasing, Subdivision, Street Network, Parkland and Environmentally Sensitive Areas, etc.) (PDF)
- Servicing Schematic (PDF)
Contact Information
For further information, please contact:
Mailing Address
HRM Planning and Development
Development Services
PO Box: 1749,
Nova Scotia,
B3J 3A5
Attention: Matt Conlin