Procurement services
The Procurement department performs the procurement function for all municipal business units and agencies, striving to achieve best value for the citizens of Halifax.
Procurement services include:
- Acquisition of all materials, fuels, equipment and services required by the municipality
- Disposal of all surplus materials and equipment
- Control and maintenance of appropriate levels of inventory
- Physical control, security, and distribution of materials through a network of warehouses and depots located throughout the municipality
- Solicitation, facilitation and execution of contracts for goods, services and construction
Finding and Responding to Bid Opportunities
Goods and/or Services with an estimated value of up to but not including $10,000 are acquired by municipal departments through invitational processes in accordance with procedures established in the Procurement Policy and Procurement Manual.
Goods, Services and Construction exceeding $10,000 are procured by the Procurement Department in accordance with procedures established in the Procurement Policy and Procurement Manual.
Effective May 1, 2023, all Halifax Regional Municipality public bid opportunities issued on or after May 1, 2023 will be advertised through Halifax's bids&tenders webpage. Bid opportunities with an estimated value over applicable trade agreement thresholds are also advertised on the Nova Scotia Public Tenders website and on CanadaBuys. Vendors are responsible for staying informed of current or upcoming procurement opportunities.
The municipality encourages any interested bidder who can fulfill the bid requirements to respond to advertised opportunities. Find out more including how to register as a supplier on bidsandtenders:
Whenever possible the municipality reuses surplus materials and equipment throughout our business units. When we are unable to reuse our surplus, opportunities to purchase are posted for auction on or
Social Value Procurement and Supplier Code of Conduct
While Procurement's main goal is to ensure that the municipality has the goods and services needed for its operations at the best possible value, it can also provide positive impacts in our community. Social value procurement is about seeking to make intentional positive contributions to both the local economy and the overall vibrancy of the community.
Through our Social Value Framework and our Supplier Code of Conduct we add to the overall value of our procurement by including considerations related to worker's rights, supplier and supply chain diversity, workplace initiatives such as apprenticeships and paid internships, the creation of meaningful and inclusive employment opportunities for underrepresented groups and support for suppliers who have and implement their own Social Procurement and Living Wage policies.
To support the framework, Procurement may invite social value providers to bid on opportunities using the registered social value suppliers list on the Bids&tenders bidding system. In addition to this, Procurement maintains a database of social value suppliers which can be accessed by all HRM Departments for invitational opportunities (under $10,000). Interested suppliers are encouraged to register as a social value supplier on and to complete and return Halifax’s Social Value Supplier Questionnaire so they might be included in those invitational bids that are not issued using the bidding system. The Social Value Questionnaire is available here: /media/82569
HRM's Social Value at a Glance
The Halifax Regional Municipality is proud to support Buy Social Canada and the Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council.

Document library
- Administrative Order 2022-012-ADM, The Procurement Policy
- Supplier Code of Conduct
- The Procurement Manual
- General Conditions for Goods and Services
- Standard Terms and Conditions for Civil Works Contracts
- Canadian Construction Documents (CCDC)
- The Nova Scotia Builders Lien Act
- Vendor Performance Evaluation Guide: Construction
Vendor performance management
Workplace policies applicable to municipal contractors
- Acceptable Internet Use Policy
- Email Acceptable Use Policy
- Substance Abuse Prevention Policy
- Tobacco Free Workplace
- Workplace Violence Prevention Corporate Policy
- Workplace Rights Harassment Prevention Policy
- Respectful Workplace Policy
Contact the Procurement Office
Phone: 902.490.4170