Point Pleasant Park

Situated in the south end of the Halifax peninsula, this historic 75-hectare wooded area is a great spot for walking your dog, running, biking, or just sitting on a bench contemplating the ocean. Much of the park is wheelchair-accessible. Explore the park using our interactive map, which you’ll find at the bottom of this page.

Park visitors can enjoy:

Location and hours

Point Pleasant Park is open from 5 a.m. to 12 a.m. (midnight). 

The Point Pleasant Park lost and found office is located at the Park Maintenance Building, 5718 Point Pleasant Drive. You can call the park office at 902.490.4700.

Parking lot hours

  • Lower lot: gates closed at 10 p.m.
  • Upper lot (Tower Road): no gate, no locking

Point Pleasant Park rules

All parks in the Halifax region are governed by Municipal By-Law P-600

  • No open fires, including charcoal BBQs
  • No camping
  • Do not remove or damage flowers or trees
  • No vehicles permitted unless you get a pass issued by the park office 

Dogs in Point Pleasant Park

The majority of Point Pleasant Park is an off-leash park, except for the following areas:

  • Sailors Memorial Way: no dogs allowed after 10 a.m.
  • Cambridge Drive: dogs must be on-leash at all times
  • Parking lots: dogs must be on-leash at all times

Weekend Bike Access

Cyclists are permitted to ride on designated trails during Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Biking is permitted on all main roads and pathways throughout the park during the week, but is restricted to the weekend route for Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. Cycling on wooded footpaths and off-trail cycling are not permitted.

We remind visitors to follow park rules and regulations at all times while visiting Point Pleasant Park to ensure everyone has a positive experience.

Historical sources about Point Pleasant Park 

Interested in learning more about Point Pleasant Park's history? Visit the Halifax Municipal Archives park source guide to learn more.  


Here are some quick tips for using the interactive map below.

Guided Audio Tour:

  • For information on each location, click on a numbered point on the map. Click the arrows to the left or right of the audio controls to move to the previous or next location.
  • For a detailed view of all locations at once, click on the "list" button in the top left corner.
  • For an expanded view of the text and image, click on the "media" button in the top right corner.

Use the arrows located on the bar along the bottom of the map to toggle between the guided audio tour and interactive map.

Interactive Map:

  • Click the "i" button in the top right corner for links for more information. Here you can also find,
    • legend
    • weekend bike route map
    • trails map
  • Explore the map by zooming in and out using your mouse or the +/- buttons on the left. Try clicking on different features for more information.

Situated in the south end of the Halifax peninsula, this historic 75-hectare wooded area is a great spot for walking your dog, running, biking, or just sitting on a bench contemplating the ocean. Much of the park is wheelchair-accessible. Explore the park using our interactive map, which you’ll find at the bottom of this page.

Park visitors can enjoy:


Point Pleasant Park Map

Point Pleasant Park Map - Click to Enlarge