Temporary Signs

Temporary signs are any signs NOT intended for permanent installation and are intended to be used for a limited time. These could include signs for:

  •  special events
  •  sales
  •  sale or rental of property
  •  supporting political candidates or positions
  •  community events
  •  presenting other miscellaneous or incidental information or instructions

There are two types of Temporary Sign applications to apply for through the Customer Portal:

  • Annual Temporary Sign Business License: An annual temporary sign license for a set number of signs that will be placed on private property within HRM. This license if valid for the full year. The annual license is not renewable, and new signs cannot be added throughout the year. If all stickers provided are used prior to the annual business license expiring, all additional signs will require individual license applications submitted. More information can be found under the FAQ section.
  • Individual Temporary Sign License: This is used for all signs located on HRM property, for individuals only requiring a small number of signs annually, or if the total number of signs used within the Annual Temporary Sign license has been exceeded. More information can be found under the FAQ section.

Temporary Sign Fees

Fees are updated annually every April 1st.
Type of temporary sign Fee
Type of temporary sign Fee
Annual Business Temporary Sign License $80.00 per sign per year
Individual Mobile sign $39.00 per license per 30 day occasion to a maximum 1 year
Individual Box sign $150.00 per license per year
Banner sign $72.00 per license per occasion to a maximum 30 days
Sandwich board $97.00 per license per year
Multiple resident sign $39.00 per licence per 30-day occasion, maximum 60 days, twice yearly
Inflatable sign $39.00 per license per 30 day occasion to a maximum 1 year
Community event sign $0.00
Multi special event sign $39.00 per license per 14 day occasion, maximum twice year/per property.
Free Standing Signs $39 per sign OVER the 5th sign (6 and above)
New Temporary Sign - doesn't fit any of the above categories $39.00 per license per occasion to a maximum of 90 days

How To Apply & FAQs

For full details of how to use the Customer Portal to apply for a license, visit: Applying for a License for step-by-step instructions and how-to information for setting up the Customer Account and Business Account while applying for a new license application.

Annual Temporary Sign Business Applications

To apply, the application will need to include:

  • All details of the applicant
  • If the applicant is a corporation, organization, society, details of such will need to be provided
  • A certificate of Insurance showing the following:
    • Halifax Regional Municipality (spelled out) named as an Additional Insured
    • Address of Halifax Regional Municipality
      PO Box 1749
      Halifax, NS
      B3J 3A5
    • Evidence of a minimum of two million dollars liability
  • The owner will need to provide HRM with annual renewals of Certificates of Insurance and any notice of cancellations or material changes.
  • A letter to advise that consent will be requested from the owner of the premises where each licensed sign will be located, if other than that of the applicant during the period of the Annual Business license.

Details of the Annual Business License:

  • There is no limit to the number of signs that can be included within the Annual Business license.
  • Payment of fees will be in accordance to the provisions of Administrative Order 15
  • License stickers will be distributed in the mail for the amount of licenses purchased under the annual license. Applicants must affix a sticker to each erected temporary sign to which a license is provided under the Business License.
  • If all included licenses have run out prior to the expiry of the Annual Business license, individual applications for licenses will be required until a new Annual Business license can be applied for. 
  • Signs in the Right of Way are permitted as part of the Annual Business license, providing they meet the requirements of Section 15 of the Bylaw S-801 - Respecting Licensing of Temporary Signs.
  • Signs located on any other HRM property, cannot be included within the Annual Business license, and need to be applied for through the Individual Temporary license process. This includes signs in the Right of Way that do not comply with Section 15 of the Bylaw S-801.

Important: An Annual Business license can be revoked at any time from an applicant that violates any provision of the Bylaw S-801 in excess of six times or more per year.

More information can be found within the Bylaw S-801 - Respecting Licensing of Temporary Signs

Individual Temporary Sign Applications

To apply, the application will need to include:

  • All details of the applicant  
  • Written consent from the owner of the premises, if other than the applicant
  • Proof of insurance is required for any signs within the right of way (that do not comply with Section 15 of the Bylaw S-801 - Respecting Licensing of Temporary Signs), or on any other HRM property.
  • A certificate of Insurance showing the following:
    • Halifax Regional Municipality (spelled out) named as an Additional Insured
    • Address of Halifax Regional Municipality
      PO Box 1749
      Halifax, NS
      B3J 3A5
    • Evidence of a minimum of two million dollars liability
  • Business owners may also provide HRM with an annual policy, with renewals of Certificates of Insurance and any notice of cancellations or material changes.
  • A site plan that shows:
    • location & measurements of the proposed sign from curb or travelled way; 
    • sign orientation; 
    • the location of all other signs on the property;
    • vehicle access locations; 
    • the distance between on-site signs; 
    • the distance of all LED or electronic signs within 300m of property; 
    • property lines; 
    • adjacent streets; 
    • parking 
    • buildings; landscaped areas; location and distance of key decision-making points (see guidelines); 
    • labels and directions where applicable.
    • Metric only. A graphic design, drawn to metric scale showing the design and construction material of the sign
    • payment of fees.
  • Please review the variable message sign guidelines[PDF] to ensure you are adhering to the requirements
New Temporary Sign Type

Under the Individual Temporary Sign Application there is now a sign type option called 'Other'.

This is used in when new signs that are not currently noted within the Bylaw S-801 - Respecting Licensing of Temporary Signs are introduced into industry.

These signs must be applied for through the Individual Temporary Sign process - cannot be through the Annual Business License - and will be reviewed by HRM staff for approval.

They can be placed for a period of 90 days, and fees will be in accordance to the provisions of Administrative Order 15.

Free Standing Signs

Free Standing Signs have been added as an option to the Individual Temporary Sign process - cannot be through the Annual Business License - and will be reviewed by HRM staff for approval.

A license is only required if there are more than 5 signs on a property. An application would be completed for six signs and above

If spikes are used to secure the signs in the ground, and embedded at least 300mm (1ft) deep, the installer must request locates from underground infrastructure owners before installation.

For a special, short-term event, unlimited signs may be erected for up to 14 days.

Fees for sign 6 and above will be in accordance to the provisions of Administrative Order 15.

Every effort is made to issue a license in five to seven business days. Call 311 to inquire about the status of your application.

You don’t need a license for

  • Sandwich board signs on private property
  • Free Standing Signs, if less than 5 on the property
  • Free Standing Signs, if for a special, short-term event (unlimited signs permitted for 14 days)
  • Short-term signs on private property
  • Light standard signs on private property
  • Light standard banners on private property
  • Posters
  • Election signs 

How do I apply for a temporary sign license?

To apply online you'll need a customer portal account. Not sure how to do that? View the job aide for setting up your customer portal account.

Apply Online Today