Legislation & By-laws

The Halifax Regional Municipality Charter is the primary legislation under which the municipality operates. This section includes links to all Administrative Orders and By-laws for the entire municipality, including those from pre-amalgamation which are still in effect.

View all legislation below, or choose a category:
-Halifax Regional Municipality By-laws
-Administrative Orders
-Administrative Order Street Closures
-City of Dartmouth By-Laws
-City of Halifax Ordinances
-Town of Bedford By-Laws
-Halifax County Municipality By-Laws
-Land Use By-Laws
-Winter Parking Regulations [PDF]

For pre-amalgamation legislation which has been repealed, contact the Municipal Archives.

Search legislation


Legislation Number Legislation Name By-Law Category
SC-28 Closure of a Portion of Idlwylde Road Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-29 Closure of a Portion of Former South or Boggs Street Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-30 Closure of a Portion of Basil Avenue Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-31 Closure of a Portion of Mountbatten Avenue Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-32 Closure of a Portion of the Kidston Lake Park Right of Way Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-33 Closure of Polar Place Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-34 Closure of a Small Portion of the Bedford Highway Right of Way Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-35 Closure of a Portion of Avenue du Portage Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-37 Closure of a Portion of Maitland Street Right of Way, Halifax Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-38 Closure of a Portion of Bland Street Right of Way, Halifax Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-40 Closure of Berkshire Close Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-41 Closure of a Portion of Cole Harbour Road, Dartmouth Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-42 Closure of a Portion of Rocky Hill Road, Halifax Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-43 Closure of a Portion of Irvin Cross Place Walkway Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-44 Closure of a Portion of Gottingen at Falkland Street Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-45 Closure of a Portion of Bartlin Road Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-46 Closure of a Portion of Cole Drive Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-47 Closure of a Portion of Military Road, Purcell's Cove Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-49 Closure of a Portion of Old Windsor Street Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-52 Closure of Portions of Kelly Street Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-53 Closure of a Portion of Shore Road Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-54 Closure of a Portion of Danforth Road, Halifax Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-55 Closure of Portions of Main Avenue Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-56 Closure of a Portion of Princess Place Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-58 Closure of a Portion of Symonds Road Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-59 Closure of a Portion of Upper Water Street Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-60 Closure of a Portion of Kelly Street Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-61 Closure of a Portion of Wentworth and Ochterloney Streets Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-63 Closure of a Portion of Portland Street Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-64 Closure of a Portion of Purcell's Cove Road Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-66 Closure of a Portion of University Avenue Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-67 Closure of a Portion of Granite Cove Drive Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-68 Closure of a Portion of Bright Place Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-69 Closure of a Portion of Wyse Road Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-70 Closure of a portion of Marilyn Drive Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-71 Closure of a portion of Victoria Road Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-73 Closure of a Portion of Lancaster Drive Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-74 Closure of a Portion of Cobequid Road Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-75 Closure of a Portion of Bluewater Road Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-77 Closure of a portion of Grafton Street Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-78 Closure of a portion of Portland Street Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-80 Closure of a portion of Robie Street Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-81 Closure of a portion of Portland Street Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-82 Closure of a portion of Irving Street Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-83 Closure of a portion of Doyle Street Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-84 Closure of a portion of Lower Water Street Administrative Order Street Closures
Sc-85 Closure of a portion of Metropolitan Avenue, Sackville Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-86 Closure of a portion of Massachusetts Avenue, Halifax Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-87 Closure of a Portion of Lethbridge Avenue, Dartmouth Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-88 Respecting Closure of A Portion of Bedford Highway, Halifax Administrative Order Street Closures