Legislation & By-laws

The Halifax Regional Municipality Charter is the primary legislation under which the municipality operates. This section includes links to all Administrative Orders and By-laws for the entire municipality, including those from pre-amalgamation which are still in effect.

View all legislation below, or choose a category:
-Halifax Regional Municipality By-laws
-Administrative Orders
-Administrative Order Street Closures
-City of Dartmouth By-Laws
-City of Halifax Ordinances
-Town of Bedford By-Laws
-Halifax County Municipality By-Laws
-Land Use By-Laws
-Winter Parking Regulations [PDF]

For pre-amalgamation legislation which has been repealed, contact the Municipal Archives.

Search legislation


Legislation Number Legislation Name By-Law Category
SC-89 Closure of a Portion of Purcells Cove Road, Halifax Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-90 Closure of a Portion of Grosvenor Road, Halifax Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-91 Closure of a Portion of Majestic Avenue, Beaver Bank Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-92 Closure of a Portion of Monarch Drive, Beaver Bank Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-93 Closure of a Portion of Rosedale Avenue, Halifax Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-94 Closure of a Portion of Mount Hope Avenue, Dartmouth Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-95 Closure of a Portion of Osborne Street, Halifax Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-96 Closure of a Portion of Wildwood Avenue, Halifax Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-97 Closure of a Portion of Elizabeth Drive, Halifax Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-98 Closure of a Portion of Shore Road, Eastern Passage Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-99 Closure of a Portion of St Margarets Bay, Halifax Administrative Order Street Closures