Volunteering with Citizens on Patrol

How to join Citizens on Patrol

First things first, you must:

  • be 19 years or older
  • have a valid Nova Scotia driver’s licence and have a good driving record
  • commit to Citizens on Patrol for at least a year
  • be available to volunteer for a minimum of 120 hours per year
  • pass the Halifax Regional Police security clearances
  • have a vehicle and ensure that your automobile insurance is current and covers Citizen on Patrol activities

What does Citizens on Patrol do?

Citizens on Patrol volunteers patrol our communities and make police aware of suspicious situations or crimes in progress.

What would I do with Citizens on Patrol?

  • Observe activity and take notes
  • Report suspicious activity to Halifax Regional Police
  • Attend group meetings/training sessions
  • Assist in emergency situations when requested by police, fire or EHS

Why should I join Citizens on Patrol?

Here’s what a few volunteers have to say about their experiences with the program:  

  • I wanted some exposure to policing while helping out my community at the same time. Eric
  • On patrol one night, my partner and I found a child reported as missing. Barb
  • Citizens on Patrol is an excellent way to better serve the community. Brian
  • Not only am I getting to know my community, I'm helping out. Raj
  • It is very rewarding and it makes me feel good. Susan

Ready to apply?  

Complete the application package [PDF] and return it to the Volunteer Programs Coordinator, Delthia Miller. She can be reached by phone at 902.490.6976 or by email hrpvolunteers@halifax.ca.