Garbage collection

Online Service

Every building in the Halifax region (including single-family homes, multi-unit residential buildings, restaurants, commercial properties, and institutions) is required to separate garbage, recycling, organics (green cart), paper and cardboard for collection, as outlined in Bylaw S-600 [PDF]. 

Sorting Guides   Business Sorting Information 

Recycling Information   Green Cart Information

Residential Collection Information

Curbside Collection 

Condo Collection

Apartment Collection

Sort Waste Right

Garbage includes items that are not recyclable or organic waste.

Acceptable materials for Garbage Collection

  • Hot coffee cups and lids
  • Disposable paper cups and lids
    • including cups labeled 'compostable' or 'biodegradable'
  • Diapers
  • Pet waste
    • Dog poop bags
    • Cat litter including clay, crystals, wood pellets, newspaper, paper pellets
    • Cage liners
    • Bedding including wood shavings, paper pellets, etc.
  • Empty Aerosol containers for non-hazardous materials (example: empty whipped cream aerosol container)
  • Styrofoam
  • Chip bags
  • Granola bar wrappers
  • Wax paper
  • Non-container plastics (toys, game pieces, plastic packaging)
  • Broken glass (must be in a box labeled broken glass)
  • Bottle caps, spray bottle heads, soap pumps, and container tops/lids
  • Laminated paper

Unacceptable material for Garbage Collection

Paper and container recycling. Including:

  • Metal pots and pans
  • Paper drink trays
  • Fast food paper bags (paper recycling or green cart)
  • Shredded paper
  • Milk cartons and jugs
  • Juice boxes

Food waste belongs in the green cart.

Household Special Waste including:

  • Paint
  • Corrosive Cleaners
  • Pesticides and herbicides
  • Gasoline
  • Motor Oil
  • Solvents and Thinners
  • Medications
  • Aerosols
  • Small propane and butane containers

Batteries can be recycled, visit for more information.

If your electronic product has reached its end-of-useful life, you can recycle it free of charge through Recycle My Electronics. Collection sites include many Enviro Depots and return to retail (box store) locations.

Passenger vehicle tires are not accepted as garbage. For information on the return-to-retail program to recycle tires, visit

Bulky waste includes items that do not fit into garbage bags. If in good condition consider donating to an organization for reuse. Examples of bulky items are:

  • Furniture that isn't in good condition (sofa, chair, desk, mattress, box spring)
    • Small bits of furniture (broken pieces) can be placed in a clear garbag bag for curbside collection. If furniture is larger than a garbage bag it is considered a bulky item.
  • Appliances and white goods 
  • Large children's toys 

Bulky Waste Disposal

Single unit homes are permitted 1 bulky item each garbage collection day. 

Multi-unit dwellings (up to 6 units) may place a total of 2 bulky items for each garbage collection day.

Weight limit of a bulky item is 200 kg (440 lb)

Please note: Some bulky items are collected by a separate truck, collection times may vary. 

Multi-unit dwellings (more than 6 units): do not receive curbside collection, including bulky waste collection. That is the responsibility of the landlord. Contact your property management  company for more information.

Otter Lake Waste Facility

Bulky waste can be dropped off at Otter Lake Waste Facility. Exit 3 off Highway 103

All loads for delivery to a waste facility MUST be securely tarped.

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday: 6:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sunday (residential drop-off area only): 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

The tipping fee is $13.04 (+HST) per 100 kg. For loads weighing less than 100 kg, a flat fee of $5 is charged. Rates are subject to change. Payment accepted by cash, debit, or credit card. A deposit may be required for cash customers.

Recycling fridges and freezers

Refrigerant gases (sometimes called CFCs) must be removed by a qualified technician before the appliance is collected for recycling. This service does not include removal of refrigerants in heat pumps, swimming pool heat pumps, or furnace units due to their size. These items can be placed curbside after gases are removed by a refrigeration company.

For condos and apartments with more than 6 units contact a private “refrigeration” contractor for removal of CFCs

The municipality offers this service for free to properties eligible for curbside collection. Call 3-1-1 or request CFC removal online. It will take up to 10 business days for the technician to visit your property. Once the service is complete, a sticker is attached and the appliance can be placed out on your regular garbage collection day. Doors may be removed for safety.

Small amounts of home renovation waste may be accepted for curbside collection. Excess debris must be taken to a licensed facility in the Halifax region. This includes material such as lumber, old roofing, gyproc, and concrete. These materials are not accepted for drop-off at the Otter Lake Waste Facility.

All loads for delivery to a waste facility MUST be securely tarped.

Halifax C & D Recycling Ltd
16 Mills Drive, Goodwood 
188 Ross Road, Westphal

Hours of operation

Monday to Friday: 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(Ross Road location opens 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)
Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Sunday: Closed

Check with the facility operator for fees and for changes in hours of operation on or around holidays.

What are privacy bags used for?

How does bulky waste collection work?

What do I do with pet waste?

Why do we use bags for garbage?

What do I do with broken glass?

How do I dispose of hazardous materials?

Why can't batteries go in the garbage?

Where do paper coffee cups and pop cups go? What about the lids?

Halifax Recycles App

Download the free Halifax Recycles mobile app on your Android or iOS device to have waste info in the palm of your hand! Search what goes where, or sign up for weekly reminders and service alerts.

Municipal Curbside Garbage

Single unit/semi-detached/rowhouse/townhouse

Limit of 6 bags total per collection. Limit of 1 black/privacy bag allowed per collection, remaining bags must be clear. For additional privacy, clear bags may be placed in a garbage can. 

Up to 5 bags may be replaced with renovation waste. 

  • i.e. 3 bags of garbage + 3 bundles of wood
  • Max weight of bundled wood is 34 kg (75 lb), not to exceed 1.2 metres or 4 ft in length
  • Small pieces may be put in a clear bag (tied). No loose material in cans.

Limit of 1 bulky (furniture/ appliance) item per collection. (i.e. large appliances, fridge (CFCs removed), old furniture, mattresses), not to exceed 200 kg and 8 ft in length 

Multi-unit building (2-6 units)

Limit of 4 bags total per unit. Limit of 1 black/privacy bag allowed per unit, remaining bags must be clear. For additional privacy, clear bags may be placed in a garbage can.

Limit of 2 bulky (furniture/appliance) items per building, per collection. No renovation waste permitted. (i.e. large appliances, fridge (CFCs removed), old furniture, mattresses), not to exceed 200 kg and 8 ft in length 

What time will my garbage be collected?

  • Collection can start as early as 7:00 a.m. but may not happen at the same time each week. You can place garbage curbside as early as 7:00 p.m. the night before. 
  • Sign up for weekly reminders and service alerts, or print a calendar customized for your address.
  • Any garbage not collected must be removed from the curb by 9:00 p.m. on the day of collection. 

Garbage Bags

Any plastic bags that you use for your household waste must be:

  • bags must be thick enough to hold the material (and not break when garbage collectors pick them up)
  • bags cannot be yellow, red, or transparent blue colour
  • each bag has to be between 0.5–1 m long when empty
  • when full, no single bag can weight more than 25 kg
  • bags may be placed in a can for storage and privacy
  • place your curbside waste and recycling 1 metre (3 feet) away from each other. This helps our haulers determine what is garbage and what is recycling at a glance.

Garbage Cans

Metal or plastic garbage cans that you put out for collection must:

  • have handles and a secure cover
  • be between 46–76 cm in height
  • have a diameter between 38–51 cm
  • not weigh more than 34 kg when full

Apartment Collection


Garbage bags are required, clear bags are suggested. Waste must be placed in your building's waste room or outside garbage space.

Tenants are responsible to separate waste in their unit and follow the buildings recycling and composting program. If your building does not provide recycling or composting please call 311 to report. The proper separation of these materials is required by both provincial and municipal law. Recyclable and compostable materials are banned from landfill disposal. Apartment buildings in the Halifax region are required to provide tenants with access to commercial containers for separation of organics, blue bag recyclables, paper recyclables, corrugated cardboard and garbage. Bins and/or designated collection areas must be properly labeled with the material type.

Property Managers / Landlords

If you are a property manager who needs help setting up a waste management program, please visit the business information page, or call 311. If you need support to educate tenants in your building email to connect with an educator who can provide information packages for residents.

Condo Collection

Condo owners / renters:

Clear garbage bags are required.

Talk to your building management company or condominium association about waste disposal arrangements. Become familiar with the collection areas in your building. Place separated material in the proper areas for recyclables, organics and garbage. The proper separation of these materials is required by both provincial and municipal law.

Some items are not included in the collection services provided by the municipality. Please contact your building manager to arrange separate collection of the following:

  • Large appliances (washers, dryers, refrigerators, water tanks and large pieces of scrap metal). Contact a private “Refrigeration” contractor for removal of CFCs.
  • Building renovation, construction and demolition debris.
  • Landscaping garden waste, lawn care waste, and live Christmas/ holiday trees.

Property Managers / Landlords

If you are a property manager who needs help setting up a waste management program, please visit the business information page, or call 311. If you need support to educate tenants in your building email to connect with an educator who can provide information packages for residents.

Otter Lake Waste Facility

Bulky waste can be dropped off at Otter Lake Waste Facility. Exit 3 off Highway 103

All loads for delivery to a waste facility MUST be securely tarped.

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday: 6:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sunday (residential drop-off area only): 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

The tipping fee is $13.04 (+HST) per 100 kg. For loads weighing less than 100 kg, a flat fee of $5 is charged. Rates are subject to change. Payment accepted by cash, debit, or credit card. A deposit may be required for cash customers.