Information for Taxi Brokers & Independent Brokers
Starting in 2025, based on changes to the T-1000 Bylaw, the municipality is changing regulations around taxis, limousines and transportation networking companies (TNC).
Brokers, both large operators and Independent owner/operators that are not currently affiliated with a broker will be required to become a licensed broker if they wish to remain independent.
Who is a broker or independent broker?
A broker is a person or company that provides dispatch service of taxis and accessible taxis. Currently HRM has 5 brokers including Bobs Taxi, Casino Taxi, Satellite Taxi, Yellow Cab and Extra Care Accessible Service.
An independent broker is a person who is a taxi owner and driver and does not subscribe to a dispatch service with a large broker (i.e. Casino Taxi, Bobs Taxi, Yellow Cab, Satellite Taxi, Extra Care). This includes all independent taxi owners who may have one or multiple vehicles in their fleet.
How do I apply to become a broker or independent broker?
All brokers, both large and independent must apply annually for their broker's license.
The following documents must be submitted to the Licensing Authority, through a Municipal Customer Service Centre or through the customer portal, for approval prior to operating in HRM:
- Completed Application Form.
- If a corporation, file copies of the letters of incorporation or other incorporating documents, duly certified by the proper government official or department, together with an annual return which contains a list of all shareholders of the corporation;
- If a partnership, provide the names and addresses of each member of the partnership as well as the name under which the partnership intends to carry on business;
- The municipal address from which the applicant will be providing dispatching services;
- If an individual, a municipal address from which the applicant will be operating the business
The annual licensing fee is $380.00 and must be paid prior to being licensed as a Broker or Independent Broker.
As part of the application process, a Data Share Agreement (T-1000 Bylaw Section 43.6C) will be completed between the broker - both large and independent - and HRM.
Per the T-1000 Bylaw Section 43.0 Requirements of a Broker or Independent Broker, all information as set out in Section 43.2C to HRM Licensing on a quarterly basis. More information on the Data Share Agreement requirements, and quarterly data, see the FAQ Page.