When we use less energy, or switch to cleaner sources of energy, we can do our part for the environment, save money and make our homes more comfortable.
There is no one-size-fits-all home energy option, but cutting emissions from our buildings is the most impactful thing that residents of the Halifax Regional Municipality can do to address the climate emergency.
Trying to tackle the entire problem all at once can be daunting, though, so rather than trying to take on more than you can handle, check out a few of the challenges below and ask yourself, “what will work for me? How can I help the process of greening our buildings?"

Understand home energy use

Take the All Canadian Energy quiz
Canadians consume a lot of energy. How much do you know about our energy supply and the ways it is used?
Complete this short quiz. You may be surprised by the answers.
Find out how your home uses energy
How much energy would you guess your home is currently using? Have a look at the video to see how a home energy assessment can reveal ways of saving money on energy costs and improve the comfort of your home.

Discover your power-hungry appliances
Borrow a free energy meter from a Halifax Public Library branch, plug in your "energy hogs" and find out what it costs to keep them running. Replace those older, less efficient appliances with an Energy Star rated one if you can. If you're ready to get rid of a working appliance, Efficiency Nova Scotia will pay you to pick it up.
Understand energy poverty
Many Nova Scotians struggle to pay for the energy they use at home. In this brief eye-opening documentary, the Energize Bridgewater Project describes their strategies for addressing energy poverty locally and suggests some ways of confronting the issue across the province.

Learn about energy efficiency options
Use less power
The cheapest form of power is the power we don’t use. Whether you rent or own your own home, Efficiency Nova Scotia has power-saving tips you can use.
Install a smart power strip
Some household appliances use power even when they are turned off. "Vampire" or "phantom" loads are wasting money and power constantly. Check out this video from Efficiency Nova Scotia to learn how a smart power strip can conserve energy.

Find out if a heat pump is right for you
Heat pumps seem like new technology, but they’ve actually been in use in North America since 1948. Modern heat pumps save money, reduce pollution and help the climate. Learn about heat pumps and explore heat pump rebates to see if this solution can work for you.

See if solar panels are an option for your home
Solar panels could be a great fit for your home energy needs. Use the Solar Assist tool to find out if solar works for you. The tool gives you a cost estimate, lists rebates and funding programs, and shows what you could save by going solar.

Sign up for a free newsletter and learn more about energy efficiency
The Ecology Action Centre’s Culture of Efficiency newsletter is a great way to learn about energy efficiency in Nova Scotia/Mi’kma’ki. Sign up to receive practical information on grants and rebates, as well as program updates and inspirational success stories.

Take action on climate now

Get a professional home energy assessment
A home energy assessment can help make your home more energy efficient by giving you the facts. Homes with moderate incomes may qualify for a free energy assessment. If you are renting, you can encourage your landlord to get an energy assessment or building upgrade.

Visit the Ecology Action Centre’s energy efficient building
The Ecology Action Centre’s home at 2705 Fern Lane in Halifax’s North End is a showcase of green energy and green building techniques. Contact the EAC for a building tour and find inspiration for your own projects.

Save with free energy-efficiency products
When it comes to fighting climate change, even small steps can make a difference. Let Efficiency Nova Scotia set you up with free, energy-saving items for your home and you could save up to $240 a year while helping the environment.

Access funding and rebates for your home energy project
Ready to make some major changes to your home’s energy system? Use this Energy Assistance Navigation Tool to find programs and funding support for your project. Funding streams can change over time, so check back often.

Join the Solar City program
Homeowners in the Halifax Regional Municipality can save the up-front costs of installing solar panels by joining the Solar City program. The program provides guidance and financing for solar systems and can be combined with other available solar rebates.

Spread the word and keep learning
- Share your climate story at climatestoriesproject.org.
- Share badge activities on social media with the hashtag #hfxclimatebadge
- At Halifax Public Libraries, borrow from this amazing list of titles to learn more about ways of saving money by decarbonizing your home.