To increase municipal recreation services for Deaf and hard of hearing community members throughout the region, an 18-month pilot program has been actioned by Parks & Recreation. The program’s goal is to increase access to interpreters and technology for people who are Deaf or hard of hearing. See the full report to council here.
Want to share your feedback? Complete the public survey by Sep. 30 at shapeyourcityhalifax.ca/dhhpilotproject.
Project timeline – current phase:
Parks & Recreation is currently working to establish program guidelines and are looking for feedback from the public to gather information about the following topics:
- which programs are services people who are Deaf or hard of hearing are hoping to access
- the best and easiest way for the public to request interpreter services
- training for front line recreation staff
- communication plans that met the needs of the Deaf community
Once public feedback is gathered and program guidelines are established, a focus group of dedicated Deaf and hard of hearing community members will be created. The group would be comprised on individuals that are able to commit to meet on a few occasions during the 18-month pilot program, to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of the community.
New Recreational Program for Deaf or hard of hearing individuals
Parks and Recreation is offering a Gentle Yoga program at the Chocolate Lake Recreation Centre 1014 Purcells Cove Road. This program is specifically for Deaf or hard of hearing individuals. The program start Tuesday October 15th at 10:30am and run for 6 weeks. There will be 1 hour of exercise followed by social time. There will be an interpreter present for the exercise portion of the program. There is a cost of $45.18 for the program and financial aid is available.
For more information or to register email inclusion@halifax.ca