Saturday, October 5 | 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Sir Sandford Fleming Park (the Dingle) | 260 Dingle Road
Recreation is kicking off the fall season with their annual Glow in the Park event. The highlights of this free event include:
- a 1.5 walk route
- face painting zone
- campfire zone
- noodle zone
- fairy land zone
- strobe light zone
- hula hoop & hopscotch zone
- dance floor
- Youth Worx Canteen
The first 350 participants at this year's event will receive free glow gear!

Frequently asked questions
- Will there be a shuttle bus?
Yes, a shuttle bus will be available to pick-up and drop-off event participants. Pick-up is between 5:00p.m.-6:00 p.m. Return bus service will begin at 8:00 p.m. Pick-up locations:
- Frog Pond Parking Lot
- JW Macleod School parking lot
- Dingle
Staff will be stationed at the entrance of the Dingle Park to limit vehicle traffic into the park, during the event.
- What is the distance of the Glow in the Park Walk?
A 1.5 KM route will be created with Fun Zones along the way.
- What time does the Glow in the Park Walk start?
Please see the following schedule of events:
5:30 p.m. - Event starts and swag tent opens (Swag table located near playground)6:30 p.m. - Participants gather for warm-up with members of the Wontanara Drum & Dance
6:45 p.m. - Participants gather at start line - walk begins
8:15 p.m. - Walk ends and all stations close
8:30 p.m. - DJ/dance party closes & the event ends
- Will there be on-site parking at the event?
There will be limited on-site parking at the event. Once the parking lot is full, participants will need to park at either JW MacLeod School, or the Frog Pond Parking Lot located on Purcell’s Cove Rd.
There will be no parking on Dingle Road, as this is part of the course for the event. The main entrances going to the dingle will be closed from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. It is a 1 KM walk back to the main road.
- What safety measures are in place for the event?
We will have Police officers on-site. Please ensure when walking the route that you stay off the stone seawall. Please remember to respect the line ups at the Fun Zones. As we will be glowing in the dark, headlamps are recommended but optional.
For your safety:
- Course Marshalls will be at various locations along the route.
- Course markers - small led lights will help light some of the darker areas of the route
- Extra lighting along the sea wall and throughout the trail.
- What activities are on offer this year?
- Dance zone - strobe lights & disco fun
- Camp fire & songs zone (with marshmallows to roast)
- Light me up
- Noodle zone
- Fairy Land Zone
- Hopscotch & Hula Hoop zone
- Light up frisbees
- Parachute fun
- Face painting/stickers
- Natural playground
- Blacklight photo bomb tent
- Interactive dance floor with host DJ
- Will there be food on-site?
The municipality’s Youth Worx team will be operating the Dingle Canteen, and they will have hotdogs, drinks, popcorn and a few other goodies available for purchase.
- Do I need to register for the event?
There is no registration. The more the merrier can attend. The first 350 participants to arrive receive some glow swag (baton, glow necklace and glow bracelets).
Visit the Swag Tent upon your arrival to pick up your gear.
- What should I bring with me to the event?
We recommend you bring water bottles and snacks should you choose. You can also bring headlamps, flashlights, or any extra glow wear of your choice. White clothing is great for the black light tents! Dress appropriately for the weather.
- Will there be any street closures on the event day?
The road leading down to the Dingle Park will be closed once the main parking lot is full. It will not reopen again until 9 p.m. that evening.
- Will this event be a rain or shine event?
In the event of light rain, the event will take place However, if there is a heavy rain forecast, we will make an announcement by 3:00pm the day before the event will be cancelled.