Swim Programs

Changes to swim programs

The Canadian Red Cross announced this year that they will be winding down their swim and lifeguard programming to direct more attention to surging humanitarian demands in other areas – such as disaster and pandemic response, opioid harm reduction and caregiving for seniors.

For Red Cross, the move ends an era that began in 1946 – when drowning rates in Canada were considerably higher than those we see today.  Since then, Red Cross has provided swim training and lifesaving skills to more than 40 million Canadians.

Effective Jan. 1, 2023 all municipally operated pools will transition from the Red Cross Swim Program to the Lifesaving Societies Swim Program.

The Lifesaving Society is a national, charitable organization that works to prevent drowning and water-related injury through training programs, Water Smart® public education, aquatic safety management services, drowning research and lifesaving sport.

They have more than 100 years’ experience delivering nationally-recognized learn-to-swim, lifesaving, lifeguard and leadership training with more than a million participants each year.

New swim program structure

When registering for swimming lessons on Dec. 8, 2022, a brand new program with different level names will be in place. To determine what level your child should register for, please consult our program conversion chart.


If you have any questions about the registration process, visit our registration page or contact your local recreation centre.