- African Nova Scotian Community Action Program
- Housing Accelerator Fund
Regional Plan
- Halifax Grain Elevator Land Use Risk Assessment
- Special Planning Areas
- Centre Plan
- Commercial Cannabis Production Facilities
- Halifax Common Master Plan
- Envisioning the future of Halifax communities
- Halifax Green Network Plan
- Port Wallace
- Proposed Blue Mountain Birch Cove Lakes Regional Park
- Sharing Our Stories
- Rural Recreation Strategy
- Short Term Rentals
- Urban Design Awards
- Affordable housing
- Helping address homelessness
Community Plan Areas
- Beaver Bank, Hammonds Plains, and Upper Sackville Plan Area
- Bedford Plan Area
- Cole Harbour/Westphal Plan Area
- Dartmouth Plan Area
- Downtown Halifax Plan Area
- Eastern Passage/Cow Bay Plan Area
- Eastern Shore (East) Plan Area
- Eastern Shore (West) Plan Area
- Halifax Plan Area
- Lawrencetown Plan Area
- Musquodoboit Valley/Dutch Settlement Plan Area
- North Preston / Lake Major / Lake Loon / Cherry Brook / East Preston Plan Area
- Planning District 4 (Prospect) Plan Area
- Planning District 5 Chebucto Peninsula Plan Area
- Planning Districts 1 and 3 St. Margarets Bay Plan Area
- Planning Districts 14 and 17 Shubenacadie Lakes Plan Area
- Planning Districts 8 and 9 Lake Echo/Porters Lake Plan Area
- Regional Centre Plan Area
- Sackville Drive Area Plan
- Sackville Plan Area
- Suburban Housing Accelerator Plan Area
- Timberlea/Lakeside/Beechville Plan Area
- Halifax Food Action
- Public Safety
- Sackville Floodplains
- Streetscaping
Construction projects
- Argyle & Grafton Shared Streetscape Project
- Cogswell District Redevelopment Project
- Fall River Water Service Extension
- Transportation planning
- Community facility planning
- Shape Your City