The Halifax Common Master Plan is a guiding document for decision making relating to the open space within the Halifax Common geographic area. It establishes a framework for its use and management and identifies where improvements and investment should be made for municipally owned parkland and streets.
The Halifax Common lands are in Mi'kma'ki, the ancestral and traditional lands of the Mi'kmaq people. Soon after Halifax was settled, land was identified and surveyed for a common. The geographic area of the Halifax Common is defined from the original 235 acres set aside in 1763. While there are some private commercial and residential land use areas, the Halifax Common is characterized by the presence of public health care, education, and cultural institutions and a multitude of municipal parks and open spaces. These include Camp Hill Cemetery, the Public Gardens, the Wanderers Grounds, the Halifax North Common, and Halifax Central Common, which include a variety of heritage landscapes, along with passive and active outdoor recreation areas and facilities.
Latest Updates
January 2024
Halifax Common Master Plan
On January 23, 2024, Halifax Regional Council adopted the Halifax Common Master Plan, approved the implementation plan, and gave direction to proceed with further planning for the Wanderers Block portion of the Halifax Common.
Over the past year residents had the opportunity to review and provide feedback on the Halifax Common Master Plan and to help identify and prioritize the implementation of various capital improvements and projects. Some of the priorities for the next few years include constructing the playground on the Central Common, redesigning the skatepark and upgrading pathways.
The staff report and attachments can be found here.
Wanderers Block Planning
Further planning for the Wanderers Block will look at options for the spatial organization and functional programming for the various uses of the site which include the Wanderers Lawn Bowls, Halifax Lancers equestrian facility, municipal greenhouses and works depot, and proposals for a permanent stadium and a Public Gardens conservatory. Staff will be returning to Regional Council with recommendations and updates to the Halifax Common Master Plan.
Current Capital Projects
A new aquatic facility opened in July 2023. This was the first project to be implemented from the Halifax Common Master Plan. Site preparation and detailed design for a new playground are underway, with construction planned for 2024. Open space is being reclaimed for the playground from the sites of the demolished swimming pools, Pavilion building, and parking lot.
The Master Plan
Read the Halifax Common Master Plan to learn more about the policy directions and the municipal land strategies put forward in the plan.:
Additional background information and investigation reports are also available:

Related files
- Halifax Common Master Plan (PDF)
- Appendix A: What We Heard Reports (PDF)
- Appendix B: Background Report (PDF)
- Appendix C: Archaeological Resources Impact Assessment (PDF)
- Appendix D: Halifax Common Conservation Strategy (PDF)
- Appendix E: Camp Hill Cemetery Conservation Strategy (PDF)
- Appendix F: MOU Provincial and Municipal Land Transactions (PDF)