Community facility planning

Halifax recognizes that fostering lifelong participation through a variety of accessible recreational opportunities contributes to healthy lifestyles, vibrant communities, and a sustainable environment. Well planned, maintained, and operated recreation facilities play a key role in city building, strengthening communities, and the local economy through attracting residents and business to Halifax. Regional Council has adopted several strategic documents related to community facility planning:

Planning for a New Training and Competition Aquatic Facility

The Municipality is undertaking a study to consider the development of a new training and competition aquatic facility, including a 50-metre pool, which is also to serve community recreation needs. More information on the new training and competition aquatic facility project can be found here.

Playing Field Strategy

On April 4, 2023, Regional Council approved the Playing Field Strategy. The Halifax Playing Field Strategy is the Municipality's first comprehensive examination of the full range of playing field types, and builds on the themes identified in the CFMP2, while identifying current challenges, opportunities, and future approaches. The Strategy's purpose is to enable informed decisions and provide guidance for improvements to municipal playing fields over the next 15 years.

Long Term Aquatic Strategy

On May 14 2019, Regional Council approved the Long Term Aquatic Strategy. This strategy will inform decisions and provide guidance regarding the provision of aquatic facilities for the next 15 years. It includes municipal indoor and outdoor pools, training and competition aquatic sport facilities, municipally supervised beaches and splash pads.

Community Facilities Master Plan 2

February 7, 2017: Regional Council Approved the Community Facility Master Plan 2 [PDF] as a framework for municipal decision-making regarding recreation facilities and incorporate its recommendations in future annual Business Plans for Council’s consideration.

Regional Mountain Biking Strategy

On January 29th 2019, Regional Council approved recommendations related to the  Development of a Regional Mountain Bike Strategy. Please note a correction to Attachment B.  The trails marked in grey are “Proposed Trails for Future Consideration” not “New Trails Scheduled for 2018.”

Long Term Arena Strategy

August 14, 2012: Regional Council approved the Long-Term Arena Strategy (LTAS) [PDF]. The purpose of the strategy is to guide long term arena planning and decision making through to 2022. 

June 20, 2017: Regional Council approved the Indoor Ice Surfaces Review recommendation report [PDF]. The report is a supplement to the Long-Term Arena Strategy. It confirms the appropriate number of indoor ice surfaces required in Halifax, and includes direction relating to the Gray, Bowles, Devonshire, Lebrun, and Halifax Forum Complex ice surfaces.

Community Access Plan

April 1, 2013: Halifax implemented the Community Access Plan [PDF] for all municipal ice surfaces to promote participation in recreational sports and create greater equity in the distribution of ice time.